Chapter 137: Full Power Unleashed_6


"You... in the future, don't share those bizarre ideas of yours in front of your senior and junior fellow disciples, and you all..." Cao Zhen turned to look at Ling Xi and the others, seriously saying, "None of you should follow this fellow's example."

He had thought about it afterward, the reason Xiang Ziyu was able to master those wild and chaotic Divine Skills, even audaciously cultivating two Divine Skills as if they were one, must be closely related to the fact that Xiang Ziyu possesses the insight of 'a speck of everything'. Aside from Xiang Ziyu's tenacity, that insight played a significant role.

However, not everyone has the insight of 'a speck of everything'. Just because Xiang Ziyu could cultivate it doesn't mean others could.

Little Beiyan immediately assured upon hearing this, "Master, rest assured, we definitely won't cultivate Brother's Divine Skills. We don't want to end up with a screw loose like him."