Chapter 141 Discussing the Dao Attack_4

His body was blasted backwards, flying through the air, and in that instant, it seemed as though all his internal organs were shattered. Despite this, a victorious smile spread across his face.

"I possess two supreme Protective Divine Powers, and yet I've been severely injured," he thought. "Li Ke can only be more seriously hurt. How can Vermilion Bird Peak's Protective Divine Powers compare with those of Flying Immortal Peak?"

Vermilion Bird Peak specializes in Fire Techniques, which might be stronger in offense, but in terms of Protective Divine Powers, Vermilion Bird Peak is among the lowest of the top ten peaks.

As for being too harsh because my opponent is a woman?

What does that matter?

In his eyes, women and men are equal.

As he retreated, his gaze never left Li Ke.

Around Li Ke, radiant lights soared, as if multicolored Glazed Glass Flames were guarding her within.