Chapter 143 Sword Sect Discusses the Tao_1

Hundred Peaks Sect strictly prohibits internal strife among disciples, and those who attack others within the sect will also be punished.

But the problem was, these people did engage in a physical fight, but they did not use their mana, they simply beat Chen Shizhi with their fists and feet, just like ordinary people.

Chen Shizhi looked disheveled, but in reality, it was all superficial wounds.

In such a case, it wasn't impossible to report to the Law Enforcement Immortal Palace, and those who had struck would still be punished, but not too severely, probably a few days of solitary confinement.

However, Chen Shizhi, who owed money and failed to pay it back, was also violating the rules of the sect and would be punished as well.

Cao Zhen glanced at the people involved and then at Chen Shizhi beside him, sighing before asking, "How much does he owe you? I'll pay it."