Chapter 143 Sword Sect Discussing the Way_6

As he was about to step down from the Podium of Succession, the disciples from the Flying Sword Peak around him immediately became anxious. Their Flying Sword Peak was now the last sword peak of the Hundred Peaks Sect. If even they couldn't keep the challenger, then no one in the sect could.

Letting the challenger go like this would be a joke, wouldn't it?

What would others say?

Wu Jianzi arrived at night and left early in the morning. The Hundred Peaks Sect could only hold on for one night. Once this story spread, what face would the Hundred Peaks Sect have left to show to the outside world?

Suddenly, a young disciple from Flying Sword Peak stood up abruptly, his face full of pride, and shouted at Wu Jianzi, "I have a sword in my heart. The highest realm of the sword is to have a sword in the heart, and even to have no sword in the heart, where everything can become a sword."