Chapter 145 Two Blossoms in Calligraphy and Painting_1

In his previous life, Cao Zhen often saw a scene where a seemingly wealthy person, in a suave gesture, would tear off a check and fling it at someone's face saying, "Fill it out as you like." He could never understand what was so "as you like" about it—you'd obviously write a series of nines and fill every single box.

He never had the chance to experience this in his previous life, but in this life, such an opportunity lay before him.

What does it mean when someone tells you to take whatever you like from his mountain? It means you can take as much as you want, emptying the whole mountain if you so desire.

This was even better than filling in a string of nines!

"Since we all agree on what has been said, let's go and take the items now," Cao Zhen suggested, smiling, indicating for everyone to follow him to take things from the different peaks.