Chapter 145: Flourishing in Both Calligraphy and Painting_4


From the rear, one by one, the faces of the Peak Masters and disciples from the Painting Peak turned extremely unsightly. Not only had Qing Mozi won, but he also had a sharp tongue, humiliating them as well.

Yet, they could not retort, for they had truly been defeated by him. Even with several Peak Masters stepping up, they hadn't been able to secure a win.

"Wait a moment."

Cao Zhen, wielding a Divine Weapon, flew directly onto the Dao discussion platform and looked at Qing Mozi, calling out, "The competition isn't over, and you're leaving?"

"Oh? Has someone else been brought in?" Qing Mozi glanced at Cao Zhen's Peak Master attire, halted his steps, and asked with curiosity, "All the Peak Masters of the Hundred Peaks Sect's Calligraphy and Painting Peaks are here, so which Peak Master might you be?"

Cao Zhen stowed away his Divine Weapon and said indifferently, "Four Treasures Peak, Peak Master, Cao Zhen."