Chapter 146: I Have a Book_6


Now is the time for discussing military law, not the art of calligraphy and painting. Although you excel in both, of what use is it to display them before Jiang Yan?

He is here to discuss the art of war with you.

Li, the Military God, was extremely anxious about what Cao Zhen was writing. Lifting his head and craning his neck, he tried to see what Cao Zhen had written. Due to the angle, however, he could only make out two characters.

[Military Law]

Military law?

Does Cao Zhen intend to write a treatise on military strategy?

Who is qualified to write such a treatise?

Even I would not dare to pen a work on military strategy, yet he wants to write one?

Although Jiang Yan found it odd, he stood by without taking action. He had waited so long for the talisman, what harm would a little more waiting do?