Chapter 148 The Invincible Grand Preceptor_2

All of them caught sight of the immovable figure outside the mountain gate, who appeared no different from a statue.

Everyone was momentarily taken aback.

Liao Kong was still looking at that scripture? So many people had arrived, and yet Liao Kong hadn't moved?

Full of curiosity, Yuan Ci turned to the disciple responsible for guarding the mountain gate and asked, "Has he been in that same posture for the past three days? Has it never changed?"

"No, not at all. I feel like even his eyes haven't moved. He's just been staring straight at the book in his hands." The disciple being asked shook his head, full of incomprehension, as he answered. He had truly never encountered such a peculiar person before.

"What scripture could make Liao Kong remain motionless for three days?" Yuan Ci was brimming with curiosity as she walked towards Liao Kong and glanced at the scripture in his hands.