Chapter 153: Hundred Coffins_1

Unlike the Immortal Reception House in Yu Min Town, the one in Yong Feng City resembled a small estate, subdivided into several separate courtyards.

The group from Hundred Peaks Sect had all taken residence within one of these courtyards.

Inside this particular courtyard, there was even a guest hall.

Once Cao Zhen and Lan Pili had seen to the arrangements for their people, they entered the guest hall.

"Peak Master Lan, how much longer is the journey from here to the Capital City of Guardian Immortal Imperial Dynasty?" Cao Zhen, on his first trip away from the mountain, did not have a map on him; it was with Lan Pili, and he had no idea how far they were from the Capital City.

After taking out the map and making a few gestures with his hands, Lan Pili pondered for a moment and then estimated, "About half a month's journey."