Chapter 160 You Finish Your Performance and Then He Takes the Stage_5

Apart from that, since everyone's cultivation base is different, we are also only competing in pure musical rhythm, so the use of mana is also prohibited during the performance."

If it were somebody else, he wouldn't have bothered to mention this rule, as it's the most basic one.

But for someone like Cao Zhen, who obviously didn't understand musical rhythm, he couldn't help but remind him.

Looking at Cao Zhen's demeanor, he had to laugh at himself; a group of Cave Masters well-versed in the way of musical rhythm competing with someone who knew nothing of it was simply ludicrous.

"Alright, I understand, and I'm ready. Whenever you are, Cave Master, just announce the start," Cao Zhen said, eager to try as he waved the wooden mallet a couple of times. He might have connected with Gao Jianli, but he had yet to play even once. This time, he was going to see how powerful ninety-nine levels of musical rhythm could be.

In his expectant gaze, a voice signaled the start.