Chapter 163 Reincarnation of Great Ability_5

"He wants to debate military law with us?"

"How is such a debate even possible?"

"Military law is not to be taken lightly; during a debate, one must concentrate fully, scrutinizing every step. He's so distracted at the moment, yet he still wants to debate military law with us?"

"Gentlemen, should we wait for a while or leave first, and challenge him after Cao Zhen has finished?"

The five Cave Masters had heard that someone from the Hundred Peaks Sect had come to debate military law with them, and moreover, he intended to do it while simultaneously engaged in other debates.

Although the challenge had come from the other party, they were Cave Masters from the Thousand Caves Door—one of the top ten Immortal Sects!

Under such circumstances, even if they won the debate, they would feel no honor in it.

They had their pride and didn't wish to engage in a debate like this.