Chapter 163 Reincarnation of Great Ability_7

"But shouldn't multiplication come first, and then division?"

It just didn't make sense, really didn't make sense.

The crowd had yet to recover from the astonishment of Cave Master Zhou Juedan's enlightenment when a burst of exclamations erupted all around.

"Cave Master Zhou's pills are about to come out of the furnace."

"Quiet down, Cave Master Zhou is decocting pills, don't disturb him."

Cao Zhen heard the commotion and glanced to the side, where Zhou Juedan had already struck an alchemy technique, then lifted his hand and pulled toward the pill furnace in front of him.

Instantly, pills flew out from the furnace.

In the blink of an eye, seventy-two pills had flown out.

"Seventy-two pills, this furnace actually produced seventy-two pills!"

"Truly worthy of being Cave Master Zhou! If it were me, I could at most pull out ten pills."

"The key isn't the number of pills, haven't you noticed? The quality of these pills..."