Chapter 164: Great Ability Is Not As Good As Great Luo_2

Even though Four Treasures Peak was ranked last amongst the Hundred Peaks Sect, nobody said what it actually was.

Compared to this, the gap between Star Lord Hao Yue and Peak Master Cao immediately became evident.

Elder Huan Kong, walking beside Hao Yue, looked at Cao Zhen's face, which still carried a hint of disdain, and felt even more certain about his previous speculation.

Hao Yue was a reincarnated being of great ability. Even he did not know the extent of the cultivation realm Hao Yue had reached before his reincarnation.

Such a person, even though his cultivation base was still low after reincarnation, deserved some respect from him, an elder of the Thousand Caves Door.

Ordinary disciples would also treat Hao Yue with the respect due to a junior when they saw him.

But Cao Zhen did not give him any face.

Clearly, it must have been because Cao Zhen was also a reincarnated being of great ability that he acted this way.