Chapter 166: Grand Preceptor, I am Now the Peak Master of Four Treasures Peak_1

Cao Zhen's newly refined Flying Boat was significantly stronger than before, and it also benefitted from the addition of Wu Jianzi.

He had never known what realm of cultivation Wu Jianzi belonged to until Wu Jianzi began to control the Flying Boat. It was then that he realized Wu Jianzi had reached the Perfect Completion Golden Core stage.

Ten Golden Cores, each one an exceptional Golden Core!

The Flying Boat, naturally, operated based on the controller's cultivation base—the higher the cultivation, the faster the flight speed.

The group left the Thousand Caves Door and arrived at the Capital City in only seven days, much faster than they had anticipated.

During this journey, Cao Zhen had seen many cities, with several being prosperous. However, neither the bustling Set Soil City nor the provincial Yong Feng City could compare to the Capital City.
