Chapter 45: Mechanical Weapon: Moonlight Stone

Cui Que was lying inside a moon-white metallic capsule, her eyes closed, resembling a massage chair or a gaming pod.

It was a special tool known as the "Central Controller."

Mechanics, whether they were inserting their consciousness into micro-drones, heavy trucks, or Construction Mechanical Weapons, required "Central Controllers" of varying sizes and specifications.

Like a remote control for electronics, different machines had different specifications for their Central Controllers.

The smallest Central Controller might only be the size of a briefcase... but for large Construction Mechanical Weapons, one must use a large-scale Central Controller called "Throne" to operate them.

At this moment, she was wearing a special white full-cover tight suit, submerged in a special fluid.

Her consciousness was not within her body.

Through the control of the Central Controller, her consciousness delved into the "Moonlight Stone," a large-scale Construction Mechanical Weapon.