Mysterious Top One

"Shu Rui, you're back! Come quickly, Jiang Chen's roommate is saying that Jiang Chen is going to pursue you! Now everyone in school will know about it!"

Upon seeing Li Shuru pushing the door open, the girls sprawled on the balcony watching the drama immediately waved at her excitedly.

"Shu Rui, I think you really should talk to Jiang Chen and clear things up,"

Seeing there wouldn't be a fight below, Xu Siyi lost interest in watching further and walked back from the balcony, "If you let them spread such baseless rumors, it might not be good for your reputation."

Xu Siyi's words seemed kind-hearted but had an ulterior motive, which was to create an opportunity for Jiang Chen.

The reason why Jiang Chen was so famous was that he was very stubborn. If he had easily conceded in the face of difficulties, he wouldn't have become the well-known lovestruck fool of today.

If Li Shuru really went to persuade Jiang Chen to give up pursuing her, she would certainly be wasting her time. On the contrary, this coming and going would only make their relationship more ambiguous.

Xu Siyi's objective was to get the two of them to become embroiled in an unending entanglement.

"Shu Rui, I actually think Jiang Chen is not bad. Though he's not wealthy, he's reliable. His ex-girlfriend obviously used him all along, yet he hasn't said a bad word about her and even apologized to Liang Zhenlun a moment ago. I must say, I quite admire him,"

The girl speaking was Zheng Jingjing, who sounded genuinely wistful and sincere.

"If you think he's good, why don't you take Shu Rui's place?"

Another girl with a bun hairstyle, Guo Ran, teased with a smile that was not quite a smile.

"Forget about it,"

Zheng Jingjing immediately shook her head, her face revealing a bitter smile.

Although she truly thought Jiang Chen had a good character, the fact that he didn't have money was a fatal flaw.

Li Shuru made no comment and quietly placed her shopping bag on the table, taking out the items inside.

"Wow, SK2!"

Li Shuru proceeded to take out three luxurious skincare sets from the shopping bag, each set priced around three to four thousand on the market.

The girls' eyes lit up as they swiftly gathered around.

"Shu Rui, why did you buy so much? Can you use it all?"

Li Shuru spoke softly, "It's a gift for you guys."

The girls were stunned. Even though they had seen there were three sets and had somewhat expected it, they couldn't help but be overjoyed when they heard they were actually gifts for them.

"Shu Rui, I love you to death!"

Zheng Jingjing promptly grabbed a set and hugged it tightly in her arms without any hesitation.

Xu Siyi and Guo Ran didn't want to be outdone either, each taking a set for themselves.

Although their skincare products were not cheap, SK2 sets worth a few thousand were not something they could often afford.

"Shu Rui, why are you suddenly giving us gifts?"

Delighted as she was, Xu Siyi still felt it a bit strange. Had she persisted in watching the live broadcast yesterday, she wouldn't have needed to ask this superfluous question.

Although Li Shuru tended to be quite cold toward guys, she was not ignorant of social etiquette.

Being a woman herself, she naturally understood how complex a woman's thoughts could be. She didn't want to live in an environment filled with scheming, so she often treated her roommates or gave them small gifts to maintain a harmonious relationship in the dorm.

Of course,

"Generous gestures" like today's had never happened before.

After all, the three sets of SK2 skincare added up to a value of ten thousand yuan.

If it had been before, even if she were generous, she wouldn't have been so extravagant. All this was due to her earnings from the night before being immensely substantial.

The income from Starry Sky could be cashed out immediately, and her bank account had gained an additional six hundred thousand.

Compared to her earnings from last night, the so-called branded skincare sets were hardly worth mentioning.

"I want to give you guys gifts, is there a problem? If you don't want them, return them to me."

Li Shuru pretended to reclaim the items, but Xu Siyi skillfully dodged.

"Who asks for gifts to be returned after giving them? Thanks!"

Xu Siyi seemed ecstatic and treasured the SK2 skincare set as she carefully placed it at her own desk, but deep down, she couldn't help feeling a sense of disparity.

People all have their pride.

Truth be told, her family's financial situation was actually a bit better than Li Shuru's, yet she was always on the receiving end of Li Shuru's favors.

Why should that be?

"Shu Rui, being able to be sisters with you is truly a blessing!"

Zheng Jingjing spoke sweetly.

Those words fell into Xu Siyi's ears and sounded even more grating.

After distributing the gifts, Li Shuru sat down. Her roommates began to try out the new skincare products they just received, and she took out her phone and opened the Starry Sky APP.

A tall tree catches the wind.

She of course understood such a simple truth.

That was also the reason why she did not reveal the reality of the situation.

If she told her roommates that she made over six hundred thousand in one night, they might not be happy for her.

Instead, they might feel that her giving them gifts was expected, and they could even think that a set of SK2 was too cheap.

The private messages still showed 99+. Li Shuru didn't look at them or clear them out, and instead she checked the current number of followers she had.


Her followers increased by more than one hundred thousand overnight.

Li Shuru took a deep breath and then opened the chat window, clicking on the conversation with "Lone Shadow of the Cold River".

But up to now, the other party had not replied at all.

After throwing around more than a million, it seemed like the other person had disappeared.

Since entering the self-media industry, Li Shuru had encountered all kinds of people—every imaginable shape and form—and those on her fan contribution list, wasn't each one of them harboring ulterior motives?

She was not oblivious to this fact, but that's just how the industry worked. Pies don't fall from the sky; why would anyone give you money for nothing?

The purpose of those fans giving gifts and cheering for you was nothing more than to have further dealings with you.

Li Shuru had also met some very straightforward people, who plainly discussed with her how much they would pay for a night.

At first, she would reject them coldly, but as time went on, she gradually learned the rules of the industry and began to adapt, playing along without commitment.

However, this "Lone Shadow of the Cold River" was undoubtedly an unprecedented oddity.

Originally, Li Shuru had been prepared for the possibility that the other party would make excessive demands, but the outcome was completely unexpected.

It seemed the other party really just had too much money to spend and, after throwing a million in her live broadcast room, vanished without a trace, even ignoring her initiative to add WeChat.

What kind of person was this really?

Curiosity killed the cat.

And it could also kill a woman.

Li Shuru clicked on "Lone Shadow of the Cold River"'s personal page and found it exceptionally clean. The moments page was completely empty, without a single post.

Not to mention finding any clues about the person's background, she couldn't even guess their age.

When she clicked on the following list, it showed that he was only following her.

Could he be one of her die-hard fans?

Li Shuru was utterly puzzled and couldn't help but suspect whether "Lone Shadow of the Cold River" could be one of her admirers?

Not to mention the boys at school, there were also no shortage of people interested in her from outside the school.

Yet when Li Shuru searched her mind for a "suspect list," she found no matching candidate.

Among her admirers, indeed there were some wealthy young masters, but none of them "splurged" like this.

After all, this was over a million, not just ten or twenty thousand.

These young masters indeed liked to show off, but they definitely were not fools.

Even if we take a step back,

Even if it were about wooing those third or fourth-tier stars, it likely wouldn't cost this much, right?

"What's up with Shu Rui? Why is she spacing out?"

Zheng Jingjing looked at Li Shuru curiously as she held her phone and stared into space.

"She's definitely thinking about a man."

Guo Ran joked.

"Wonder who she's thinking about, it can't be Jiang Chen, can it?"

Zheng Jingjing muttered.

Xu Siyi also joined in the fun, smiling faintly, "You never know."