280 First Update

"Young man, it's already off-work hours; how come your girlfriend still hasn't come down?"

"Women, you know, tend to dawdle, and besides, she's not my girlfriend. I'm not that lucky."

"Look at you, talking like that. You're a good-looking guy, somewhat like I used to be. Why don't you have a little confidence? You've been waiting here for an hour or two; if she's not your girlfriend, then what is she?"

The uncle in the security guard uniform suddenly had a realization and slapped his forehead, "I get it now, you're still in pursuit?"

Jiang Chen, who had been chatting idly with the man for a while, shook his head with a smile, without a word.

The security uncle, part of the property management and in charge of this parking area in front of the building, reached into his chest pocket and took out a pack of Liqun cigarettes, offering one to Jiang Chen.

"Thanks, but I don't smoke."

"Not smoking is a good thing."