Uncle Wang's Wrist

Early morning.

Lin Mo was woken up by the commotion in the neighborhood.

"It's so early in the morning, are they not letting people sleep?" Lin Mo angrily pulled open the curtains and was instantly stunned. "Damn, what's going on!?"

Below the neighborhood, there was a large crowd.

As far as the eye could see, there were at least hundreds of people. Half the residents of the neighborhood had probably run out.

Lin Mo took a closer look and even saw more than a dozen MAD employees in work clothes.

"What's going on? Even the MAD is here?"

Lin Mo couldn't help but become curious. He quickly washed up, picked up the large thermos filled with A1 evolution potions, and ran downstairs.

When he arrived downstairs, Lin Mo quickly understood what had happened from the conversation of his neighbors.

"It's actually related to me…" Lin Mo couldn't help but shrink his head.