It's Your Sorrow to Be Born in the Same Age!

At the school's artificial lakeside.

Lin Mo threw some bait on the lake and began to fish.

"Brother Mo, you know how to enjoy yourself!" Gao Haoran also picked up a fishing rod and imitated him.

"Know how to enjoy yourself?" Lin Mo smiled but said nothing.

After all, lying idle was also a skill!

Similarly, Gao Haoran was lying down like a salted fish, relying on Brother Mo to carry him. As for Lin Mo, the more he lay down, the stronger he became. He was practically flying up to the sky to be shoulder to shoulder with the sun.

Like now…

Gao Haoran thought that Lin Mo was just here to fish.

In reality, Lin Mo had an ulterior motive—not far behind him was the only lake villa in the school.

Lin Mo had already found out that Yan Yimo was living here now.

"After coming here, the overall involution index hasn't changed much, but the illusion index has increased!"

Lin Mo thought to himself.