The Light of the Righteous Path!

Lin Mo logged into the Upper Primordial Universe.

As expected, there was a large pile of unread emails in his mailbox. The sender was from all the top martial arts schools.

Lin Mo casually opened an email from Qingmu University.

In the email, in addition to the admission notice, there were also various promises made by Qingmu University, such as: free tuition and miscellaneous fees, the highest-end scholarship every year, becoming the personal disciple of a renowned teacher, and directly staying on campus to teach after graduation…

It could be said that even a monstrous genius like "Ye Yi" would be tempted by these conditions!

But Lin Mo scoffed completely.

"Free of tuition and miscellaneous fees? Isn't that obvious! Could it be that there's another martial arts university that dares to charge me tuition fees?"