Is Now the Time to Relax?

After waking up from his dreams.

Although Lin Mo was already a Celestial Martial Artist, and not just any ordinary Celestial Martial Artist, but an extremely high combat technique at the peak of the fourth rank and a fourth-rank illusionist subclass, his life was still no different from before.

In Lin Mo's ordinary neighborhood, no one would have thought that a true dragon had already appeared beside them.

After getting out of bed and washing up, Lin Mo went straight to the school's artificial lake.

He had no idea how big an earthquake had happened in the Blue Planet's martial arts circle after he reported it righteously last night!

The "Elder Zijin" of the Xia country's Grandmaster Temple personally slaughtered her way to the Cherry Blossom Country and fought a group of martial arts masters there alone. In the end, she even severely injured Mrs. Tengyuan, a seventh-rank illusionist, before leaving.