Involution Index, 10,000!

"I choose to give up on the exam!"

Lin Mo's voice was powerful and immediately attracted the attention of many people around him.

Many pairs of eyes looked at Lin Mo in confusion.

"Giving up the exam?"

"Why did you give up the exam?"

"Even if his combat technique is very bad, it's better than giving up on getting zero, right?"

"Since he's giving up on the exam, he might as well not come here!"

"What's going on in this man's head?"

"This is Lin Mo from our Haicheng Martial Arts High School, right? I heard that he gave up on the Martial Arts College Entrance Examination half a month ago! He probably appeared here today to attract attention, right?"

… .

The tide of doubts and mockery quickly drowned Lin Mo.

But Lin Mo didn't care.

'Question it!'


The louder they shouted now, the louder their faces would be slapped during the punching force test in the afternoon!