Plum Blossom Fragrance Comes From Bitterness

"Is this punch enough for three thousand kilograms?"


Dead silence!

It was even quieter than when Lin Mo first tested for full marks!

There was complete silence!

Punching a proctor at the scene of the martial arts college entrance examination?

'What kind of operation is that?'

How arrogant was this?

How lawless was this?


Lin Mo's punch also directly proved his strength!

'From a scientific point of view, no test instrument is 100% accurate?'

'What about in terms of fists?'

There was no strength that a single punch could not prove!

'If there is, then give him another punch!'

"I…" Xu Kaijie fell hard on his face. Just as he was about to curse, he saw Lin Mo's cold gaze. He had no doubt that if he really cursed, or if he said "it's not enough for three thousand kilograms", Lin Mo would definitely give him a few more punches.