Soaring Strength!

Jiangnan Martial Arts University.

After the commotion of the first few days of school, peace and quiet quickly returned.

However, there was a strong involution smell hidden in this peace.

In the school forum, someone flamed Lin Mo almost every day.

"Lin Mo is pretending to be fishing for crayfish again!"

"Lin Mo cultivates by the pond until midnight every day. Doesn't he need to rest?"

"Lin Mo just entered university! Do you have to be so involuted?"

"Someone better than me is working harder than me!"

"Involution God Lin Mo!"

… .

Because of Lin Mo's "involution", all the students of Jiangnan Martial Arts University feel quite pressured.

There was no need to mention the first-year students—Lin Mo was undoubtedly the uncrowned king of the entire grade! Now that the uncrowned king was working so hard, how could the other new students not?