This Is All I Can Help You With!

That night.

There were as many as 200 second-year students who had signed a gambling battle agreement with Lin Mo!

In other words, after the gambling battle ended, Lin Mo would obtain more than 2,000 time cards.

At that time, Lin Mo could lie in the gravity room wantonly and farm the "Idle Index"!

Ten hours a day!

His strength would explode in minutes!

"How satisfying!" Lin Mo really felt good just thinking about it.

That night, he slept even better. Even his dreams were sweet!

Still …

Lin Mo was sleeping soundly, but someone couldn't fall asleep—that was his class teacher, Teacher Wei.


When Teacher Wei received the news of the "gambling battle", he was already lying in bed asleep. When he received the call and heard about this, he jumped out of bed.

"Lin Mo is provoking the entire second year class? He's crazily asking people out for a gambling battle?"