King of the Chicken Dinner (2)

"I didn't dare to show off casually in reality, but I finally got a chance to show off in the Primordial Universe!"

In Lin Mo's opinion, wasn't the national martial arts university chicken dinner competition a large-scale showoff platform?

Moreover, Lin Mo had never exposed his identity as "Black Earth" to anyone! In other words, in the Primordial Universe, Lin Mo could show off however he wanted without worrying about the consequences!

"My combat technique has already reached the peak of rank 5! Even among martial arts graduate students, I'm already at the top. I'm not even inferior to some martial arts doctoral students!" Lin Mo thought to himself. "Moreover, with my age, when I first play the 'King of Chicken Dinner' game, I wouldn't be matched with a martial arts graduate student at all. It would even be very difficult for me to be matched with someone more than 20 years old!"