Fighting a Hundred Alone (1)

"Black Earth, stop!"

"Don't run!"

"Do you only know how to escape when you come to the chicken dinner competition?"

"Stand there obediently and let us drown you with a mouthful of saliva each!"

"The map is only so big. Where can you run?"

… .

Because Lin Mo ran decisively, the dozens of "Sixth Rank" experts who attempted to surround him could not fully complete the circle. Instead, it became dozens of experts chasing after Lin Mo.

"I was a little careless! Dozens of 'sixth-rank' experts are not so easy to deal with!" Lin Mo's current situation was obvious. "I can't continue to hide my strength!"

Thinking of this, Lin Mo threw the dagger in his hand behind him.

The "Sixth Rank" experts who were chasing after him and the players who were still floating in the sky by their parachutes were all dumbfounded by Lin Mo's actions.

"What is Black Earth doing?"