There Really Are Aliens? (2)

"There are really aliens on our Blue Planet?"

"I told you there were aliens! You didn't believe me!" Some veteran astronomy enthusiasts shouted excitedly—was there anything more exciting for them than discovering a living alien?

"Yi? That name sounds a little familiar!"

"From the depths of the galaxy? How far is the depths of the galaxy from the Blue Planet?"

"I just searched. Our Blue Planet seems to be tens of thousands of light-years away from the center of the galaxy!"

"Tens of thousands of light-years? How far is that?"

"Is the previous poster illiterate? The speed of light is about 300,000 kilometers per second! A light-year is a year's distance for light! Tens of thousands of light-years. Calculate it yourself!"

"So far? How did this Yi come to the Blue Planet?"

"Yi is quite pitiful! He left his hometown all the way to our Blue Planet!"