I'll Let You Be Crazy For Now. I'll Attack Your Back Door First

How did it feel to be stared at by a bunch of muscle-bound rabbits who were two or three times your height and had arms longer than your waist?

In any case, Yi Zheng subconsciously tightened his anus and coughed dryly. "When two armies face each other, the most important thing is intelligence! Next is combat power.

An adequate piece of information is enough to defeat the strong. That's why the human players sent out scouts!"

After Yi Zheng said these, he realized that the rabbits were all dozing off. He quickly changed the topic and said, "Brothers, let's chop them up!"

At this, the rabbits were no longer sleepy. They collectively raised their snakes and chickens and shouted, "Chop them!"

Yi Zheng felt helpless as he looked at the group of rabbits.

Cong Xue, who was stuffed into the tree hole, felt her heart tremble when she heard that. The rabbits outside were too imposing. They were as uniform as an army, especially the ferocity on their faces. They were really fierce!

Most of all, she'd already determined that a smart guy was in command behind the rabbits, and that information was critical. It could even affect the outcome of the battle!

However, there was nothing she could do now because she could not even commit suicide even if she wanted to. She could only worry.

"Damn rabbit, stinky rabbit, kill me if you dare!" Cong Xue cursed loudly, wanting to anger the other party into killing her and then return to inform the humans after she revived.

And yet…

"Snake King, when we start a war on our side, you'll twist her head off. Scold me? I won't spoil her even if she's beautiful!" With that, Yi Zheng waved his hand. "Brothers, let's go and chop them down!"

"Chop them down!"

The rabbits followed Yi Zheng towards the Beginner's Village.

Cong Xue listened to the fading footsteps of the rabbit. She knew that the other party's boss had seen through her thoughts. The reason he wanted to delay killing her was that he didn't want her to go back and tip the humans off!

But he didn't plan to keep her forever.

After all, the longer she stayed here, the more she saw and heard.

"This guy is careful, quick-witted, and ruthless. He will definitely become a huge problem in the future!" Cong Xue commented.

On Yi Zheng's side, he gathered his men and charged towards the Beginner's Village.

As for Cong Xue, Yi Zheng liked beautiful girls, but the main reason was that his soul was human! Although the rabbits were cute… Well, they were not cute anymore.

Therefore, he hoped that there would be some beautiful humans around him. Otherwise, he would not have the chance to enjoy looking at them.

But he only liked obedient girls, not hostile ones.

"When I get stronger and capture a few goddesses, I'll massage their backs, massage their shoulders, warm their beds, and wash their clothes… Well, I don't think I'll need clothes." Yi Zheng looked at his fur and let out a long sigh.

In the distance, Yi Zheng could already see the Beginner's Village.

A clatter of armor broke the silence, and 2,000 of humanity's finest warriors emerged.

They walked out of the Beginner's Village one after another and began to form up.

This time, Wang Mingchen and the others were smarter. This time, they left a way out.

They leaned against the entrance of the Beginner's Village and formed a battle formation. They could fight or retreat.

The men were all dressed in metal armor. Under the torches, the armor gleamed red-gold and was dazzling.

But Yi Zheng smiled. "This is getting interesting."

"Boss, we're here! You called us?"

The Gopher King and the Gopher Queen emerged from the ground at the same time.

Yi Zheng pointed at the brightly lit novice village in the distance. "Dig a tunnel and dig directly behind the crowd. When we start fighting, jump out from behind and cut off their escape route. "Do you understand?"

"Understood!" The Gopher King immediately raised its claws to show that it understood.

Yi Zheng said, "Go. Whether we can wipe them out or not depends on you! Well done. You won't be nunchucks in the future. Just lead a hall in peace."

"Thank you, Boss!" The two gophers were instantly overjoyed. They finally didn't have to be grabbed and swung around by this rabbit anymore. They had finally made it!

"Boss, it'll take us about an hour to dig the place. You'll have to wait," said the Gopher kKing.

Yi Zheng said, "No problem. I can wait."

The Gopher King immediately led the gophers underground and dug towards the Beginner's Village.

Meanwhile, Yi Zheng was hiding in the darkness with his army of rabbits. All the rabbits had their eyes closed and were silent, waiting for Yi Zheng's order.

In the distance, the human army stood ready.

The presidents of the four guilds, Young Master Zeng, Fang Ling, Yun Ying, and Chen Chuanwen, stood in front of the team. Looking at the darkness in front of them, Young Master Zeng clenched his fists. "This time, I must teach those rabbits a lesson!"

"It's time for those rabbits to know who owns this world." Fang Ling gritted his teeth.

She was a girl. Logically speaking, she should like rabbits. However, no matter which child was kicked in the face by a group of violent rabbits, they would not like rabbits anymore.

Yun Ying subconsciously protected his crotch, his eyes flashing coldly. "This time, I'll definitely make those rabbits pay!"

Chen Chuanwen said, "It's about time. Let's declare war!"

Yue Wei stood up and said loudly, "Rabbits, your grandfather is here again! Come out and fight! If you're afraid, go back and eat carrots!"

Then, the group of people behind Yue Wei shouted at the same time, "Rabbits, your grandfather is here again! Come out and fight! If you're afraid, go back and eat carrots!"

The voice rolled away like thunder, echoing through the mountains and back to the green grassland.

Yi Zheng could hear and see everything clearly. He could even see the veins standing out on the big rabbits. They were obviously angry.

However, Yi Zheng gestured for them to be quiet. The rabbits might be irritable and reckless, but they still listened to Yi Zheng's orders. They suppressed their anger and waited.

10 minutes later, the grasslands were still silent.

It was as if the darkness had devoured all the rabbits and living creatures, turning this place into a land of death.

Yue Wei turned to look at Chen Chuanwen, Yun Ying, and the others.

Wang Mingchen said, "Stop looking and continue shouting. We can't leave the Beginner's Village. We have to call them out. Take out your fighting spirit and curse them!"

Yue Wei nodded and shouted again, "Rabbits, little rabbits? You sissies, come out if you're men!"

The hundred-man loudspeaker behind him shouted, "Rabbits, little rabbits? You sissies, come out if you're men!"

Yi Zheng realized that the rabbits' muscles were all bulging, but they were still holding back.

Another 10 minutes passed. The grasslands remained dead silent.

Yue Wei said, "The rabbits aren't all asleep, are they?"

"Even if they're asleep, they can still hear us shouting," Wang Mingchen said.