Increased Reality by 10%

Yiye Qingchou was enlightened. Just as he was about to say something, he heard a roar. "Roar!"

Then they saw the ground rise as rabbits rose from the soil…

At the same time, on the mountain in all directions, behind the big trees and in the grass, snow-white "cute" rabbits more than 1.8 meters tall rushed out.

The rabbits were extremely fast. They leaped up and reached them in an instant.

"Enemy attack, defend!" Iron Blood shouted.

The players reacted quickly. The warriors raised their shields in front of them, but the problem was that the rabbits were coming from all directions. When the players wanted to defend, the flat push formation that they had been trained to use was instantly unusable. They could only quickly transform into an iron bucket formation under Iron Blood's orders.

However, there were too many people. Even if they changed the board at the last minute, it would take about 10 minutes.

And it didn't take 10 minutes for the rabbits to rush over. In the blink of an eye, a group of large rabbits arrived.

"Warriors hold!" Iron Blood shouted.

The warriors did not flinch. They took out their shields and held them in front of them.

The magicians and archers took cover behind them, chanting and drawing their bows.

However, to everyone's despair, the rabbits didn't care about the warriors in the front row at all. They jumped two to three meters over the heads of the shield warriors and landed among the mages and archers. Then they shot left and right, grabbed a weak mage, and slapped him until he turned into white light on the spot.

The archer tried to run but realized that he could not outrun the rabbit and was kicked to death on the spot.

What was even more terrifying was that the rabbits seemed to be endless. One moment, there were groups of rabbits rushing over, and the next, there was a wall of rabbits crushing over.

Looking at the sea of rabbits jumping up and down like a tide, Iron Blood and the other players were stunned. They muttered, "What's the point of fighting?!"

The warriors at the front were instantly overwhelmed by the rabbit tide. The mages and archers at the back were surrounded by a pack of rabbits in the confusion, then kicked to death in a circle.

It had only been 13 minutes since the battle began.

In the chaotic battle, Iron Blood was indeed strong. He relied on the foundation of his martial art that he had trained hard since he was young to survive until the end.

At this moment, a system notification sounded in the ears of all the players and wild monsters.

"There are more than 10,000 class advancement players in China. System upgrade!"

"Ding! Opening team system."

"Ding! World Reality increased by 10%!"

"Ding! Pain increased from 0% to 20%."

"Ding! Bloodthirst increased from 0% to 20%."

"Ding! You will have to wait 10 minutes after death to be resurrected. Within 10 minutes, the body will remain in place."

"Ding! Death drop increased from 1 to 3 items, holding 10% of the money."

"Ding! Those who insult the corpse will be punished by the system. One-tenth of your attribute points will be reduced."

Hearing the series of announcements from the system, the forum was stunned. In the end, they were instantly surrounded by the rabbits!

These big rabbits did not care what the system said and directly turned him into white light.

But as he died, he saw something that shocked him beyond measure.

Behind the rabbits, near the exit of the canyon, all the rabbits moved aside and an oversized tiger came into view.

"The boss behind the rabbit is a tiger?!" was Iron Blood's first reaction.

Then, he saw the big wild boar riding on the tiger. For a moment, he felt that the wild boar was the boss.

In the end, he saw a huge rabbit that was more than two meters tall, riding on a wild boar. Such a huge rabbit could be said to be the largest among all the rabbits. He immediately confirmed that this was the real Boss!

Of course, he also saw the little rabbit on Zi Xing's head. He immediately gasped. "This Boss is so cruel. He actually skinned his companion as a hat!"

Yi Zheng did not know what Iron Blood was thinking. Otherwise, he would have made Iron Blood regret thinking this way first.

Yi Zheng had not planned to show his face so early. It was mainly because he heard from the system that the body would be kept for 10 minutes that he came to look at it.

However, the corpses of the players who had died earlier turned into white light and disappeared. Only Iron Blood's corpse remained.

After Yi Zheng went over to observe for a while, he rubbed his chin and said, "How tragic. His waist is broken…"

Then, Yi Zheng picked up the sword from the ground and stuffed it into his mouth.

At this moment, Yi Zheng realized that the pants on Iron Blood seemed to be different. They seemed to be of a higher grade. Hence, Yi Zheng tried to pull the guy's pants off, but he could not do so no matter what. Clearly, this was not recognized by the system as a removable item, so Yi Zheng could not pull it off.

"If I can't whip the corpse or mess around, what's the use of leaving the corpse here? Does it look good?"

After Yi Zheng complained, he suddenly remembered what the system had said. The authenticity of the game had increased by 10%!

Yi Zheng suddenly realized something…

He carefully analyzed the contents of this system update.

The team system update was to be expected. After all, with so many players and each team system, it was too disadvantageous for command.

However, the main improvement this time was still the authenticity.

For example, the degree of blood and pain increased by 10%, and even the corpse stayed for 10 minutes.

If it could increase by 10%, could it increase to 100%?

Was it possible to keep a body permanently in the future after 10 minutes in the morgue?

If that was the case, then this game world would gradually become real…

And what was happening now was just a transition for the Earth players.

Thinking of this, Yi Zheng rubbed his chin and muttered, "Fitness can increase one's basic attributes. If the game becomes more realistic, will the restrictions of the game decrease? This is an improvement to the players' gaming experience. To wild monsters, it might be a change! Perhaps I can improve myself in more ways!"

Thinking of this, Yi Zheng grinned happily. He jumped onto Zi Xing's head and pointed to the other end of the canyon. "Kill as many as you can! Send them to jail in the Beginner's Village!"


The rabbits responded.

After that, the players outside were depressed. Iron Blood had died and was reborn in Beginner's Village No. 1. There was no leader outside.

The team's voice chat could not work across such a long distance either. They could only stare blankly.

Several mid-level cadres gathered for a meeting.

"The warriors' defenses aren't strong enough to withstand the pounding of boulders, otherwise they could hold up a safe passage with their shields," someone whispered.

"Then let's charge. There are many of us. I don't believe they have so many stones to use. At most, we'll be reborn and go to the Beginner's Village. Then, we'll regroup and kill our way back. We'll work together!"

"That makes sense! The fact that those wild monsters used such a method means that they're also afraid of facing us head-on."

"This is the enemy's plan. I have a wall ladder! Everyone, remember to help collect your fallen brothers' equipment."