Chapter 899: Time to Quicken Our Pace

Nova said that Wang Ye's trip to Crimea was for work, which wasn't exactly a lie.

After all, Wang Ye would definitely discuss the Crimea Investment company's operations with Angelina and understand the development of Crimea over the past year.

He would also take the opportunity to meet with Crimea's "nominal president" to offer some reassurance.

Oh, and he had to talk to Natalia about Crimea's legal and law enforcement situation, considering she was the Prosecutor General!

You could say his schedule was packed.

But Nova would never reveal on Facebook the relationship between her boss and her sister, let alone admit she was actually the boss's sister-in-law...

She never even disclosed who her boss actually was on the internet.

She understood the basic principles of confidentiality, and she always acted with discretion.

Wang Ye didn't even know that Nova had become a small "internet celebrity" on Facebook with hundreds of thousands of followers!