It's time to set up a Police Division (1)

"Old master, in the past, we only had a few people, just a hundred or so.

It was different now. There were more than two thousand people. There were too many people, and there would always be some conflicts between neighbors.

What had happened today had happened before. For example, someone had lost their mirror again, and someone's clothes had disappeared in the sun.

In the past, they didn't fight, only quarreled.

If you have to deal with everything yourself, you'll be exhausted. " Zhan junru said.

"That's true, the old master usually has too many things to do. For example, the dam, the training ground, and those machines all need to be directed by the master. These trivial matters can be handled by the constables. " Gu hanyan said.

"That's a good idea. I need to raise some funds for this.

However, we're not called an arrest Hall. If we do, it'll cause a misunderstanding in the Imperial court.