I have a gun (1)

Of course, Tang Wen had also mastered the method to open up the sound path, but he didn't have the strength of the Kumu Dao, so he couldn't help others with the sound path Dao leading technique.

Qiao Xiao nodded, stood up, and strode towards the ring.

Qiao Xiao was a practical person. He didn't fly into the air to show off, nor did he use floating Willow steps or cloud - ascending steps. Instead, he walked up the steps to the ring.

"Eat my cloud expelling palm!" Tie Gu couldn't wait any longer. As soon as he saw Qiao Xiao on the stage, he immediately roared and his Qi burst out, penetrating his arms and legs.

His body moved, and his palms flipped. In an instant, seven or eight palm forces appeared, forming a cloud - expelling force that attacked Qiao Xiao.

Qiao Xiao used floating Willow steps and tried not to come into contact with him.

However, tie Gu changed his stance and slashed down from the sky like a heavenly blade.