What would I want from you_

"Little brother Tang, I heard from brother Kumu that you're hosting tonight. Since you're already here, shouldn't we start the banquet?" The fool Qian looked at Tang Wen with a smile.

This money fool didn't match his name. He didn't look stupid at all, so Tang Wen didn't understand why he was given the nickname 'money fool'.

"Yeah, even the five internal organs of the temple are about to rebel." Tian Haoyuan said with a smile.

"Brother Kumu, look, isn't the food ready?" Tang Wen looked at kumutong and asked.

"He's not here yet, let's wait a little longer. " Kumutong shook his head slightly.

"Who's not here yet, brother ku?" The eighth master, Zhang Chuanqi, raised his eyebrows and asked indifferently.

After all, he was the most powerful among the people present. He was the master, so he naturally had the right to be arrogant.

"Master eight, you'll know soon." Kumutong laughed and kept him in suspense.