Chapter 291-don't mess around, I want people

"You have a five poison school?" Tang Wen asked.

"What five poisons? we call it the five virtues civil and military Academy." The Scorpion Man said.

When they reached the place, they found that there were many buildings built halfway up the mountain.

They were all two - story dingjiao buildings. However, they were not made of bamboo, but of reinforced concrete.

It seemed that with the change of time, the five poison sect had also integrated into the village and lived a happy life.

"Old man, I'm back." The car stopped in front of a three - story villa behind the village. It was also an aerial villa. The car was parked below, and people lived upstairs.

"Where have you been, brat? you don't focus on your cultivation, but only know how to pick up girls every day. Be careful, I'll break your legs." A middle - aged man appeared in the hall. He was dressed in Miao attire and had a big face and wide ears.