I'll Be Fine

"NO KIDDING YOU OVERDID IT!" Usopp yelled as goosebumps appeared on his arm due to the coldness. "That attack sure was amazing but what was that force?!"

Imai frowned. "We were under high pressure in the water, so naturally I had to use some of my strength. At least I stopped the monster from harming us."

"But look where that got us!"

"Calm down, Usopp." Franky said. "We can still find them."


"Even if we're submerged almost seven thousand meters, in complete darkness, I always have a plan." Franky said with a smile. "We'll find the others using my search light."

Imai sighed and started questioning some things about the crew. How did someone so fearful of anything join a pirate crew anyway? Though she didn't bother to think about it much further since she already knew this crew was different from the others. It had a crazy combination.

"AHH! THAT'S A HUGE MONSTER!" Nami screamed.

Imai turned to where Nami was looking at and glared at the monster. Instantly, the huge fish quickly swam away with other fish trailing behind it.

"Don't worry, as long as I'm here, nothing can harm us." Imai said which reassured the others.

"Having someone as strong as the Four Yonkos with us is reassuring." Nico said with a smile.

While they were slowly submerging, a large shadow hovered over the ship. When Franky shined his light above, a huge jellyfish could be seen. One of its tentacles was interacting with Chopper when there was suddenly a blur in the background.


Imai sheathed her blade. "Be careful, its tentacles are most likely venomous."

"Eh?!" Chopper exclaimed in fear as he backed away. The tentacle in front of him was cut into the pieces as the jellyfish moved away from the ship.

"T-thank you, you saved me." Chopper said.

"Like I said, as long as I'm here, nothing will harm us. I mean that quite literally." Imai said.

Finally, for the first time, the crew members started to relax around her. Even without their strongest members, they had someone that was far more powerful than them.

Suddenly, the air around them felt much warmer than before. The temperature was increasing by every second. Imai looked below them and realized why it was so hot.

"We're above the underwater volcanoes." Imai told the other members. "Is there any way we can escape the area as quickly as possible?"

"Of course! Leave it to me!" Franky said as he flipped a few switches. The ship soon blasted through the volcanic area as well as passing through the monsters that tried to eat them.

Right when they thought they were safe, a huge fish appeared in front of them with its mouth wide open showing off its razor sharp teeth.

Imai prepared her blade, once the fish bit down on them, she would step out of the bubble for a split second, and cut open its mouth.

However, Imai didn't need to do that. A tall figure punched the fish from behind and scolded it.

"Ankoro! I told you that you can't eat ships! The captain will get mad!" the tall figure said.

"Looks like I didn't need to cut the fish in half." Imai said while sheathing her blade. "Blood would've spilled all over."

"Oi! Don't say something so terrifying so casually!" Usopp said. "Arh, you're just like Nico!"

"Everyone look, there's a ship that's coming towards us." Nico said.

Imai turned to where Nico was pointing at and sure enough, there was a pirate ship that looked torn apart. From the way it looked, it could be passed for a haunted ship.

"N-no way! It's the Flying Dutchman!" Brook said in fear.

"What about that ship?" Imai questioned.

"It was sad that the captain of the ship threw his crewmates into the sea and cursed the gods. He also committed many other horrible things, but that was several hundred years ago. How is it here?!" Brook exclaimed in fear.

"If you can take the ship's treasures, then sink the ship!" Captain Vander Decken commanded.

"Yes!" the tall figure, Wadatsumi replied. WIthout a second thought, he brought his fist high. But before he could punch the ship, an octopus tentacle came out of nowhere, and punched Wadatsumi several times.

"That's enough, stop!" a familiar voice yelled.

The crew excitedly cheered when they saw their captain and the other two.

"Luffy! Zoro! Sanji!"

Imai walked away from the others and was growing impatient. She wanted to get onto the Fish-Man island as fast as possible. Imai has done it before and much quicker, but with the Straw Hat Crew, disasters seem to come after them and delay them by a lot.

"Rayleigh, what the hell did you sign me up for?" Imai muttered to herself.

Suddenly, the ground below them started shaking causing their short reunion to halt. Surrounding them, the volcanoes had steam coming out and red lava could be seen slowly coming out.

"Quickly Franky! Can you use the boost to get us out of here?!" Nami asked.

"I used it all already! There's not enough air left to get us out in time!" Franky replied.

"No need to worry!" Luffy exclaimed. "Surume will bring us out of here!"

Instantly, the octopus that had its tentacles cut by Imai was carrying the ship as fast as it could out of the area. Imai quickly calculated the time and distance it would take, they would just barely make it out.

"Surume!" Imai yelled. "Hurry up if you don't want to be cut up again!"

Surume widened its eyes in fear and gained a boost of adrenaline making them go even faster. The temperature was slowly rising, the volcanoes were on the edge of erupting.


"Jump down the cliff! Risk it all!" Imai yelled.

Just like that, they were able to avoid the danger by jumping down the cliff. However, right as they thought they were safe. Broken rocks caused by the eruption were falling towards them.

"Rocks?! Mud?! I think the ship would be broken by those! Look how big they are!" Usopp exclaimed.

"I'll cut them." Imai said. "Zoro, give me your sword."

"Hah?! You already have one, why would you need mine?" Zoro asked.

"Because I'm a Two-Sword Style user and if you want to live, give me a sword." Imai replied.

Zoro grunted but still gave a blade to her.

"Luffy! Get ready to pull me back the instant I cut all of them." Imai said.


Right before Imai jumped out of the bubble, she was held back by hands all over her body causing her to be immovable.

"Why are you stopping her, Nico?" Luffy asked.

"We're eight thousand meters down! If you go out, you'll be crushed by the water pressure!" Nico said.

"Don't worry, Nico. Not even ten thousand meters under water would stop me from wielding my blade." Imai said with a smile. "I'll be fine."

Strangely, Nico couldn't reply. Even though they hardly met, Nico felt a strange attraction towards her. She trusted her deeply and even felt her heart stir wherever they made eye contact. Nico sighed and gave in.

"I promise you, Nico. I'll be fine. After all, I'm the Empress of the Blade!"