
"If I could change the world!"

All of the lights flashed on Uta who stood at the center of the stadium. The music started playing and the crowd of thousands cheered her on. Her singular purple eye seemed to sparkle under the lights.

Imai found herself being mesmerized by her voice and the visuals. Her otherworldly and melodic voice seemed to make it as if she was in another world.

"Every note I sing brings you closer to your purpose!"

Uta's figure appeared on the holograms and illuminated different parts of the crowd. Special effects seemed to appear from thin air, or were they thin air?

Imai didn't mind and actually enjoyed the random notes that levitated towards the sky before dissipating. It only made the concert more enjoyable.

"I believe in you!"

The chorus peaked from there, even more special effects started to appear out of thin air. There were hundreds of yellow orbs and pink wings hovering in the air. Imai was about to pop it but it showed Uta's figure dancing on stage.

"What a unique ability…" Imai muttered.

"Yes, but it's very eye-catching." Nico said.

Eye-catching indeed. More and more of the special effects were appearing as Uta kept singing. Her subtle yet dazzling dance moves captivated everyone's eyes. Her breathtaking voice was just a bonus.

"And let a brand new era dawn!"

A sun formed with her ability as well as a tornado of fish also appeared out of thin air. The chorus erupted and the sun disappeared. The tornado fish spread throughout the entire stadium.

Forms of rainbow and torrents of colors appeared and reflected on Imai's eye. She had a wide grin on her face and she was feeling pure excitement.

The same could be said for Nico, her eyes wandered all over the place admiring the special effects created by Uta. But both of them were more focused on Uta, they figured out why she attracted so much attention.

"A new genesis!" Uta sang the final lyric before posing.

Just like that, the first song ended, and the crowd erupted in cheers and many applauses to the world famous singer.

"Hello everyone, it's great to finally meet you all! I'm Uta!" she said with a wave. The crowd cheered in reply.

"Wow, this is a lot to take in." Uta said into the mic. "Anyway, let's all have a great time today!"

Imai clapped in response. Suddenly, she felt a light sense of killing intent from somewhere in the crowd. With her level of Observation Haki, she could detect it anywhere.

But seeing as though they haven't appeared yet, she focused on the concert in front of her, and prepared herself to hop on the stage when the time came. Breaking rules was worth it if it meant saving Uta.

Right as Uta was about to perform her next song, several pirates suddenly surrounded her with weapons in their hands.

Nico was about to say something to Imai but she was already gone. She was left speechless by the absurd speed.

Imai appeared on stage with the wand in her hand, Uta's merch hoodie, and a colorful skirt. She looked as deadly as ever by also putting the hood on.

"Eh?!" Uta was surprised at the sudden appearance of someone wearing her merch.

"Don't worry, you're safe. And you're Shank's daughter right?" Imai asked.

Suddenly, the crowd went quiet. Judging by their reaction, they didn't seem to know that.

"Ah, the microphone was still on." Imai said before covering her mouth. "My apologies, I didn't mean to."

Uta sighed, "It's okay, people are bound to realize sooner or later."

Imai's heart trembled at the thought of ruining Uta's first impression of her. She was supposed to act like a hero but had leaked a secret instead. Even if she wanted to act like a hero, it seemed fate didn't allow her to do that.

"Did y'all hear that? She's the daughter of one of the big pirates!"

"If we capture her, we'll make it big!"

"So there you have it, this concert is canceled!"

'What kind of pirate leaks their plan to the enemy?' Imai thought.

Her figure disappeared from her spot and reappeared right above the one of the pirates before striking him down onto the ground with a knee right on the center of his chest.

Imai grabbed the hilt of her blade and prepared to cut the head off with one swift strike. But before her blade struck the pirate's neck, a hand was put on her shoulder.

"I don't know who you are but murdering people isn't nice, you know? It can cause trauma and hallucinations." Uta said.

"These pirates tried to kill you, it's naturally right for me to make them repent for the sin they've caused." Imai replied.


"Okay, fine."

Imai let the pirate who was in a state of shock go and stood up to face Uta. Up close, Imai realized that she was even prettier. She resisted the urge to brush aside the hair that was covering her eye.

Uta was confused, who was the figure that appeared in front of her so suddenly? She was wearing her merch and by the tone of her voice, she was a female. That way, Uta was sure it wasn't a crossdresser.

"Who are you?" Uta asked.

"Ah." Imai realized Uta could only see her mouth due to the hood. But before she could reveal herself, she ducked to avoid the blade from slicing her head off.

"You've got some guts to ignore us!" the pirate who tried to kill her said. "Today, you'll die!"

Imai turned around and noticed there was another figure. She had a long nose, green hair, and she looked like a grandma. There was another person who was bigger and had orange hair color. Though the shape of his hair was odd.

"I'm Brulee from the Big Mom Pirates!"

"I'm Oven! Charlotte Linlin's fourth son!"

Imai grinned when she heard one of the names of the emperors. Charlotte Linlin, she was very familiar with the name, and she knew how much Charlotte Linlin didn't want to make an enemy of her after their last battle.

"So your captain is Big Mom, huh." Imai said with a mischievous grin, her eyes glistened under her hood.

"Yes we are, if you're scared, just hand her over." Oven said, but he was ignored. He squinted his eyes and noticed that the hooded figure was smiling.

"Hahahaha, AHAHAHAHAHA!" the volume of Imai's laugh increased. The entire audience could hear it.

"Did she finally lose it?" Oven asked.

"Maybe." Brulee replied.

Uta and the pirates stood still, they were surprised by the sudden laughter. After all, she wasn't in a situation where she could laugh casually.

Imai gripped the back of her hood and her visible smile could be seen.

"Let me show you who I really am."