
Uta didn't know why she decided to kiss Imai, her feelings, and desires had taken over her during that moment. For some mysterious reason, she felt emotions she had never felt before when she looked into Imai's eyes.

Was it love?

It was possible.

Uta touched her lip with her finger and remembered how soft Imai's lips were. It tasted sweet yet bitter, but she wanted to taste them again. Thank god she was able to teleport them to the stage in time or else Imai would've seen her bright red face.

She didn't have time to say the words she wanted to say to Imai since they were surrounded by the marines and two admirals. But when she made eye contact with Imai, Uta could've sworn there was a spark.

They both knew what to do at the exact moment.

Uta felt exhilarated as she sang while Imai fought the marines. The two worked as if they had been a team all their life. They covered each other's flaws in battle even if there wasn't any.

Needless to say, they had each other's back at all times.

"There's an admiral here, he's pretty good. I'm going to lure him away from you and you can take care of the rest. Stay alive." Imai said.

"Okay." Uta replied.

Although her condition wasn't the best, she had the will to fight. Uta wanted to spend more time with Imai, that was why she had to eat the mushrooms, and increase the capacity of her world.

Uta raised both her hands in the air, the unconscious bodies of the people who went to her concert started to move like puppets.

"Everyone! Take down the marines that are trying to tear our dreams away! This is our world! Our place of happiness!" Uta exclaimed.

The controlled bodies started to attack the marines, some of them readied their guns, and their blades.

"Don't kill the innocent ones!" Momonga yelled. "Use the ropes backup brought! Hurry now!"

Uta watched as the marines ran and went to grab the ropes from the other ship. She didn't mind, she needed her fans to support her, and that would distract the marines from bothering her.

A win-win situation.

"Young lady, why don't you stop this madness right now?" Momonga asked.

Uta glanced up at him, "No, you can't stop me. There's nothing you can do about what's going to happen, I'm going to bring happiness to everyone."

"You already do that with your music. What you're doing currently is very dangerous and could potentially lead to deaths." Momonga said.

"That's alright if everyone dies, after all, I only need her to listen to my music. But they won't die, not with me supporting them."

"What a twisted personality. It seems I have no choice but to stop you by force."

"Try it."

Momonga brought down his blade and clashed against Uta's golden rapier. For such a slim girl, he was surprised at how strong she was. Even if he was a vice admiral, he was praised for how strong he was physically.

And the clash between the world famous singer and a vice admiral began. A fight with such a difference in titles, no one expected this.

Uta's figure flickered throughout the stadium as her rapier repeatedly clashed against the katana. She was struggling to keep up due to the difference in physical strength. But she was starting to understand.

Uta analyzed Momonga's swordsmanship, she had to see everything to be able to counter him. The way he swung his sword, the way his muscles twitched, and the way he used his feet.

Movement applied with physical strength, a strong quick force to quickly strike down a warrior. That was the swordsmanship Momonga used. Uta was the worst opponent he could encounter.

She was quick and could easily dodge Momonga's attack. But Momonga had more experience and probably faced hundreds of people stronger than her.

When Uta thought of strong, she glanced up at where Imai was fighting. Somehow, Uta seemed to have caught the perfect timing since Imai was also staring right back at her.

Uta saw Imai's smile and that was all the strength she needed.

Uta dashed towards Momonga. She jumped and threw her rapier at Momonga. Using the few seconds where Momonga would be distracted, she ran behind Momonga. Naturally, Momonga would realize this.

He swung his blade and repelled the rapier while moving away. But that was what Uta wanted. In the split second internal where Momonga had to swing his blade and move away. Uta had achieved what she was aiming for.

"I'm sick of being tired and alone. Wanna be connected!" Uta sang.

Momonga widened his eyes and pressed his palm against his ears. It was too late, he had been brought into Uta's world. He had been careless with his movements and calculations.

Bubbles, rainbow cubes, and notes started to appear out of thin air. She circled the effects around Momonga who was distracted by them. He tried to cut them apart but they would come back together.

The effects swirled around Momonga like a tornado.

The bubbles formed into cuffs that forced him to drop his katana, and fall to the ground. His wrists and ankles were tied together. The rainbow cubes wrapped around his body and caused him to be immobile. The notes formed a cocoon around him so there was no way he could move or receive help.

Within Uta's World, Momonga was helpless against the devil fruit abilities. He glanced at Fujitora who seemed to have been defeated before darkness enveloped him.

Uta returned to her normal form, the rapier, and shield disappeared. She was back into her normal clothes. She looked around and realized most of the people she controlled had been tied up by the marines.

Frustration started to fill up her mind, it wasn't supposed to be like this. The marines should've disappeared, yet they weren't. They were running at her in full speed with their swords raised.

Uta let out a sigh and accepted that she would have to kill them.

"No, you don't have to." a familiar voice said behind her.


"That's me." Imai said with a smile. "Why don't you head back? There's still something you want to do, right?"

"I…so you know." Uta said as she looked away.

"Of course, I could tell by your eyes. Now go, sing your final song of the concert. This is what you've been preparing for right?"

"But you'll…"

"Don't worry, I'll save you."

Imai watched as Uta ran to the direction of the church. She knew what Uta wanted to do, it was to sing her final song, Tot Musica. Although it would bring destruction to the world, Imai would save her no matter what.

And with the world watching, it would make Uta a villain, and someone with one of the highest bounties. Uta had to take responsibility for kissing her.

"Uta, soon you'll be traveling alongside me. So sing your heart out and bestow destruction upon this abandoned island!"