
Soon, the three made it to the part of the island where abandoned buildings surrounded them. Vines and trees had started to cover the buildings and water surrounded the path they were walking on.

"Wow, this place is beautiful." Rei said as she looked around.

"True, but be careful. There could still be monsters lurking in the area, this place looks like it hasn't been touched in hundreds of years." Imai said.

"Look, there's a large colorful fish." Uta said as she pointed towards a certain direction.

And sure enough, there was a bright orange fish that was mixed with a little bit of red. It was swimming through the water minding its own business when suddenly, a huge shark jumped out of the water, and swallowed the fish.

"The fish is…gone." Uta muttered.

"Don't worry, it died happily knowing it was seen by a world class singer." Imai said as she patted Uta's shoulder.

"Are we not going to talk about the size of the shark that just jumped out of the water?!" Rei exclaimed.

"Is it surprising? We've encountered a bunch of mutated animals already, it wouldn't be a surprise seeing a shark that big." Imai said.

"What she said." Uta added.

"No, no. The two of you don't understand." Rei said as she held Imai's hand with sparkling eyes. "Imagine the amount of food we could get from that shark! We could eat it for days! And I like seafood the most!"

Imai slowly removed Rei's hand and sighed.

"Then how about you go catch it on your own. Uta and I will go on by ourselves."

"On second thought, nevermind. What kind of pirate would I be to leave my captain behind? That would be…HEY! WAIT UP!" Rei chased the two who had already started walking away.


Imai turned around and stared at the entrance that led to the inside of the pyramid.

"What is that noise?" Imai muttered.

Suddenly, a swarm of ants came out from the darkness, and were heading towards them.

"Just ants?" Uta asked.

"Still, be cautious. It could have mutated and gained a different ability." Imai replied as she nodded to Rei. "Go."

"Yes, captain!" Rei said with a salute. "Flash Step!"

The familiar blue flame erupted from Rei's initial position as a streak of the blue flame zipped through the center of the swarm of ants. The army of ants that were coming at them had turned into ice.

"I don't know about you guys, but I'm feeling kind of chilly." Rei said as she sheathed her katana.

With a click, the ice slowly started to crack before disappearing into nothing. The army of ants were nothing more than just specks of dust that were imperceptible to the naked eye.

"Why are you acting like you're the main character? All could and everything." Imai said.

"Let me have my moment!" Rei exclaimed and Uta giggled at their interaction.

"Anyway, let's get going." Uta said. "There are more paths in front of us."

"Let's take the one on the right right then! We don't want to take the one on the left since there will be nothing left and right is always right." Rei said.

"What a weird logic you use." Imai muttered, she was starting to wonder if she really picked the right member into her crew.

"Then let's take the one on the right." Uta said as she led the two.

The path on the right seemed to be endless. One moment they were walking forwards, then the next moment they were taking many different turns that seemed to lead to the middle of nowhere. And out of nowhere, they were on top of a hill with surprises all over their faces.

"What in the world…" Rei muttered.

"Floating…islands? Are we on one too?" Uta questioned.

"Haha." Imai smiled grimly. "I wonder if it's just a coincidence or is it fate that had purposely brought us together."

"Hmm, what do you mean?" Uta asked.

"These islands, they're all levitating using Shiki's power." Imai said.

"But didn't we get on the island by the sea? If it was floating, we wouldn't have been able to get on the island." Uta said.

"Mhm!" Rei nodded her head.

"Well, it occasionally comes down. It seems we caught the timing where it came down, that's what I meant when I said if it was a coincidence or was it fate." Imai said.

"I see, so does that mean all these islands are in Shiki's control?" Uta asked.

"Yes." Imai said. "No wonder why these places felt strange, it seems Shiki hasn't been just sitting around doing nothing in the past twenty years."

"But the more important question is if he's here on the island." Rei said as she sat down on the grass.

"Nope, but he'll be here soon." Imai said.

"Is it just me or is there something flying towards us?" Uta asked.

The two turned to the direction Uta was pointing and she was correct. A yellow creature that resembled a bird seemed to be flying towards them at a fast speed.

"I got this." Imai as she stepped forward.

The yellow bird saw this as a challenge and charged even faster. It dived right at Imai who caught its beak without struggle. But the yellow bird wasn't finished yet, it used its electrical ability, and zapped Imai.

However, Imai was unfazed, she didn't feel a thing. She raised an eyebrow and shocked the yellow bird who was trying to stun her.

"Your electricity won't work on me, I have a body made of lightning." Imai said with a smirk.

The bird's body seemed to go limp in her grip and gave up trying to attack Imai.

"Are we going to eat this bird?" Rei asked.

"That's too cruel. And why have you been asking if we could eat some of these animals?" Uta questioned.

"We're not eating it and we'll eat food later. It seems this bird has knowledge of the islands, we could use it to bring us to where we need to go." Imai asked as she turned to the bird. "Isn't that right?"


"Good bird."