
News had spread out throughout the world that the Fifth Emperor had been successfully captured. She was going to be imprisoned in the deepest part of Impel Down, Level Six: Eternal Hell.

There were those that were glad, happy, and relieved that Imai had been finally imprisoned. The horrors of the massacres she caused would haunt the survivors of the battles. They suffered from severe PTSD.

However, there were also those that were confused. They knew someone like Imai, someone as strong as her, wouldn't have been taken down so easily.

This caused a commotion in the pirate world. Pirate crews associated with the Fifth Emperor all prepared to head to Marineford. Those who wanted to kill her or save her, all of them assembled to head towards the place.

This was going to be similar to the battle on Marineford, perhaps even bigger than that. But everyone knew that the moment Imai stepped into her cell, everything would change.

It's been a couple of days since Imai was put on the ship. She only had one word to describe the entire trip, it was boring. Everytime she glanced at Diane, her eyes were always glaring at her.

She could even feel her glare when she was dreaming, she wasn't sure how that was even possible.

Finally, the door to her room was finally opened. It revealed a man in a marine outfit telling them to hurry outside.

Setting foot onto the concrete, Imai took this chance to take in the fresh air. The weather was nice, there was a nice breeze, and it was a good day for the marines.

In front of her were the honored figures of the marines. Akainu, Kizaru, and Fujitora all stood beside each other as well as Garp.

"I would've never thought I'd see the day where you're in handcuffs." Akainu said, a cigar in his mouth.

"Me neither, just know that none of you guys brought me here. This happened because of Diane's hard work and training." Imai said, teasing Diane.

"It doesn't matter who brought you in, as long as you're captured. That is what matters." Akainu said before nodding towards Diane. "Bring her in."

Diane tugged at the handcuffs and pushed Imai through the gates that led to Impel Down. Inside, they went down many flights of stairs before reaching the final level. The level was filled with silence and gave off an eerie feeling.

Diane pushed Imai into her cell before closing it abruptly, gaining the attention of the prisoners around her. Imai sighed before sitting down against the concrete wall.

"It's you. Out of everyone in the world, I never expected you to be here."

Imai glanced up and smiled at the light blonde haired man sitting across from her cell.

"Well if it isn't Doflamingo, the former world noble. Nothing in this world is impossible, such as my existence being in this cell." Imai said.

"Hahaha, I guess that's true. But you do know that you've caused quite a commotion, right? I can already tell, the forthcoming battle on Marineford will be something different." Doflamingo said.

"Definitely, but this will be your chance to escape isn't it? I've basically laid out the needs for you to escape, you just have to take the chance, and make a run for it." Imai said.

"I would, but here's the thing, Yonko." Doflamingo said. "I don't like owing people favors, I'll do it on my own."

Imai shrugged, "It's your life, your decisions to make. Anyway, have you seen a girl with scarlet red hair, and red eyes? She looks like a devil to some people."

"Ah, her? You're talking about Fujiwara Hibiki? That girl was brought to an isolated cell, she nearly killed someone here." Doflamingo said.

"That sounds just like her." Imai said, slightly chuckling.

"Why are you looking for her? Were you two acquainted before?" Doflamingo asked.

"Something like that. It's been a long time since I've heard of her." Imai replied.

"I see, I know exactly what you're doing." Doflamingo said, his white teeth slowly showing.

"As you should, you're a smart man. A very scheming one at that." Imai said.

"So you have everything all planned out, the pirates coming here will be your stepping stone." Doflamingo said.

"Let's not talk about it anymore, I'm afraid our fellow cell mates are quite interested." Imai said.

"Just so you know, whatever you're planning is just you. I have no part in it." Doflamingo stated.

"You're just trying to use me as a scapegoat, but it's already too late." Imai said.

"If it's about escaping this damned prison, who wouldn't be interested?" a voice from Imai's right said. "I've been waiting for something for the past years."

"You know, if the two of you escape here because of me, you owe me a favor." Imai said.

"You're getting ahead of yourself." Doflamingo said.

"I don't think so, Donquixote Doflamingo. If you refuse to owe me the favor, I'll really kill you." Imai said.

"I'd rather be killed than having to pay someone like you back." Doflamingo said.

"And leave your brother devastated? Sure. But remember, once you're dead, your little brother isn't so safe. He's alive out of my respect for you." Imai said.

She smiled when she saw the smile on Doflamingo's expression, it had turned into a frown filled with anger.

Moreover, she had other things to worry about. Fujiwara Hibiki. Someone she hasn't been in contact with since she was sixteen.

The only time Imai heard of her was when the news about Marineford talked about her, it was also the time where she discovered Roger's son.

And getting Hibiki to join her would be a lot of work since she hated Imai. The fact that Hibiki was evil was not going to help either.

From owning slaves, associating herself with the underground, and even messing with Celestial Dragons.

Once Hibiki had been imprisoned, the world government destroyed all information related to her. Imai figured that was what the world government would do.

For now, all she needed to do was to sit back, and relax.

"Prepare yourselves, pirates and marines."