
Imai was now being dragged into the battle between the marines and the pirates. Though it felt like she was on a different team since there were pirates and marines that were after all.

"Tsk, how annoying." she muttered.

With the blades in her hands, she cleaved through the enemies like steel cutting through butter. Her agile and nimble movements weren't able to be tracked and the enemies were dead before they realized that they were struck with.

Amidst of all the chaos, a certain duo stood out from the crowd. The red and white haired girl along with the blue haired girl were easily recognized.

Together, they killed many marines, and pirates with ease. They were the dames who stood firmly by their empress's side. Together, the duo were named Dames of the Empress. A label used for female knights serving someone superior.

It's been almost an hour since the battle had started.

Blood splattered all across the battlefield, the once blue ice was now stained with crimson red. Many of them fought only to meet their ends without accomplishing anything, but that was the future for those who were weak.

For those who weren't blessed.

"That's right." Imai murmured as she gripped the blades tighter. "This natural talent for killing that I was blessed with, none of you will achieve this."

"Sovereign's Secret Technique, Illusionary Purgatory."

Imai applied haki to her feet, weaving through the hundreds of enemies while swinging her sword with precision. The pressure she emitted caused the enemies to see things such as their head on a guillotine.

No matter how hard they struggled, their fated death was inescapable as they were snapped back into reality when they realized their head had been separated from their main body. This was their last five seconds of life before darkness enveloped them.

The water was dyed in blood from all of the blood pouring out from their opened neck. It was a horrid sight, but Imai was used to it. This was inevitable on the battlefield.

Suddenly, a sandstorm had surrounded her.

"I remember you, this devil fruit is from one of the members of Big Mom Pirates. I don't remember your name though." Imai muttered.

"That is from my Bisu Bisu no Mi, I'm able to create and manipulate biscuits at will. And I'm flattered you recognize me. My name is Charlotte Cracker, the tenth son!" he said.

"So, would you mind telling me why Big Mom is going after me? I remembered I saved her life a couple years back." Imai said.

"So what? She never asked to be saved! In fact, she would've been fine without you! You are nothing but a hindrance towards her! That is why I must take you out." Cracker said.

Imai tilted her head and smiled, "It seems she didn't tell you the real story, but I guess that's fine. Come at me with all your might, I have to teach you a lesson since Big Mom didn't warn you about me."

Right when Cracker was about to swing his double-edged sword, Imai was already in front of him with the blunt side of the katana clashing against his. This stopped him from swinging his sword.

He glanced up and noticed Imai's wide grin.

"Come on, is this all you've got? I don't even need to use both of my blades against you."

Cracker furrowed his eyebrows and jumped back. He quickly summoned a biscuit puppet and manipulated it to charge forward.

However, Imai broke through it with ease.

She dashed through the dust and swung down her blade causing Cracker to stumble back.

"Weak, slow, and scared." Imai said. "Those words are what exactly describes you. To be favored by your own mother, that's your wish right? Unfortunately, you came to fight the wrong person for acknowledgement."

Charlotte Cracker's eyes widened when the blade was coming towards his eye at a quick pace. He was scared from the moment Imai had appeared before him. She was calm and had a smile on her face the entire time.

He wasn't a threat to her at all. Just like his puppets, he was a toy used for killing time. That was how Imai viewed him.

When the blade was close to his eye, another blade appeared, and successfully blocked it from taking away Cracker's sight.

"Smoothie!" Cracker explained.

She looked down at him and said, "Stay put, I'll deal with her."

"Look who arrived, another child of Big Mom? This time it's a daughter." Imai said.

"It's Charlotte Smoothie to you." she said.

"Whatever, if this battle leaves an impact on me. Maybe I'll remember your name." Imai said.

"I'll get my revenge for my mother and brother."

"And here's another one with mommy issues. I wonder how she even gives birth to so many children. There's a chance for it to be a mistake right? Perhaps you-"

"Shut it!" Smoothie yelled as she swung her blade. "I will take no disrespect from you!"

Imai ducked under the slash and grinned.

"That's more like it."

Imai knew Smoothie was strong and experienced. Just from the way she gripped her blade and the fact that her stance led to no openings. Maybe it was because she was almost double her own height.

Using her speed as an advantage, Imai dashed to the side where Smoothie's hand did not grip a blade. This caused Smoothie to subtly change her stance, but such a small change already meant a lot for an experienced fighter.

Imai dashed forward, swinging her blade playfully before striking towards the back of Smoothie's leg. As expected, Smoothie quickly moved her toned leg before it could be cut in a fatal spot.

"You have a nice body, you've trained it to the peak."

"I don't want to hear such comments from you."

"Then do you wish to hear it from men instead."


"That's what I thought."

Smoothie felt a tinge of anger stir in her heart, something about Imai just infuriated her. She just wanted to wipe the grin off of her face.

"I'll show you why I'm one of the Three Sweet commanders!"

Smoothie lunged forward and swung her blade with all her might. However, when her blade was met with Imai's. She had realized how easily Imai blocked it, she only needed to use a single hand.

"Love the rose tattoo on your leg by the way."

Smoothie swung her leg in an attempt to kick Imai to the side, but such expectations weren't transformed into reality.

Imai grabbed ahold of Smoothie's leg and dropped her blade. With both of her hands, she yanked backwards causing Smoothie to be unbalanced and fall onto the ice.

Using her abnormal physical strength, Imai lifted Smoothie up, and started swinging to build up momentum, before throwing her out of the sandstorm of biscuit dust.

As Smoothie was traveling through the air, Imai picked up her blade, and sheathed it before leaping forward to catch up to smoothie.

Mid air, she planted a foot on Smoothie's stomach and forced it down.


Smoothie's body crashed onto the ice causing her eyes to roll back. She had been knocked out and had a foot imprint on her stomach.

When Imai landed on the ground, she noticed the very familiar figure that was staring at her with hatred.

"We meet again, Charlotte Linlin."