
(Author's Note: I hope ya all enjoy the chapter, also please suggest to me how to improve my eroge writing skills)


Arthur Pov

I moved my head forward, and she closed her eyes as our lips met, and we started kissing each other passionately, one of my hands groped her boob and I started fondling it while with the other hand I kneaded her ass and started playing with it.

I enjoyed their softness and firmness, they are damn good, I also sucked on her tongue, enjoying the Milf to the fullest before I steal her for good, we broke our kiss, and she gasped for air, our eyes met and no words were needed to speak, my other hand to move on her ass as well, as I kneaded her ass, molded them, I started kissing on her neck.

After I gave her a few hickeys, she responded by licking my neck, and sucking on the skin lightly, after we were done, I looked at her and said," Let's get naked", she nodded and without waiting started undressing while I easily undressed myself using telekinesis, I could have undressed her as well, but then again where is the fun in that?

I looked as she undressed her gown, then her bras leaving only her soaked silk panties, I moved forward and grabbed her boobs, and she released a moan, I started playing with her big boobs enjoying them, I molded them, groped them, like it was a toy, my toy.

Her hand moved towards my erect dick, she held it, gently and gasped, looking at it, as her eyes wide opened," I-It's big!", she said, I gave her boob a slight slap making her moan again and grabbed it roughly, I said," Don't compare them to your Husband, his can't compare to mine", right?", she nodded and started moving her hand on my dick.

I groaned, then I started sucking her nipples, enjoying them as she let out a sensual moan, she continued giving me a handjob, I moved my one hand to her pussy, and then rubbed on the silk, below her pussy, it twitched as she moaned again, I continued rubbing on the clothes, as her love juices started dripping from it, at the same time I played with one of her boobs, sucking the nipples.

Soon I felt a sweet taste in my mouth and released her nipples, some milk dripped from them, she became nervous and said, "I am sorry-", she couldn't speak anymore as I again started kicking on her nipple, and strongly this time, at the same time I rubbed on her pussy entrance, she gave me a handjob at the same time increasing both of our pleasure.

She continued releasing light moans, my penis was fully erect by now, ready for penetration and to claim her pussy as mine, I released her nipple, and stopped rubbing her pussy, she gasped, her face red, I smirked and said," Now, let's go on the main part right?", she nodded embarrassingly, then looked at my erect dick and gulped,' Will that even fit inside me? ', she thought.

I skipped the blowjob as right now, all I wanted was to fuck her pussy, and claim it as mine, thus, she laid on the bed, with my on top of her, I then kissed her as we shared a passionate kiss again, her panties were already out, we kissed for a few minutes before breaking it, I sat up, looked between her legs, and pink pussy wet from her love juices.

Without me saying it she separated her legs, making them an M shape, and looked at me with a very gentle look, I position my cock on her vagina and rubbed a few times, then I looked at her and said," From now on you will be my woman, I will make you forget about your husband", her pussy twitched and smirking I thrusted my cock deep inside her in one go.


She moaned loudly, I started moving my hips to and fro, pistoning her as I felt the tightness and softness of her pussy and it squeezed my dick tightly, I moved closer to her face, and she looked at me gentleness in her eyes, and I kissed her, our tongues met and my saliva slid down inside her mouth, at the same time I roughly grabbed her boobs and started playing with them.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*


Her lewd noises and the sound of flesh slapping filled up the room, I continued pistoning her as my cock hit against her cervix, I released a grunt and said," Your pussy is amazing! and I will shape it to my liking!", she wrapped her hands around me and said, "~Ah!~Make me~Make me as yours!~Ahh!".

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

"~Fuck me harder!~mark my pussy as yours!~Arthurr~🤍!"

I thrusted strongly, as she moaned loudly, her legs wrapped around my waist, and looking with a slutty look she said,"~Arthur!~Arthur!~ I love you!~ I love you!~🤍", I moved up a bit, while continuing pistoning her, them slapping her boobs, and looked as they jiggled beautifully, her tongue had come out as saliva started dripping from her mouth.

*Pak* *Slap* *Pak* *Slap* *Pak* *Pak*

"~love yu!~lave yu!~ahhh!~ann!~🤍"

I continued slapping her big breasts as they became red with the handprints, I thrusted my cock inside her strongly, making it tremble, her womb has already started taking into my shape, grunting a bit, I said," I am coming!", I thrusted with force, as my dick pierced through her cervix, and I released my cum inside her, painting her insides womb and marking myself as it's the owner.


Her eyes turned upward as she moaned loudly like a slut, her body twitched, and then she started breathing heavily, her chest heaved up and down, I grunted in pleasure as I fully unloaded myself, I slowly took my cock out as the mixture of my cum and her love juices gushed out.

I gave her some time to rest, and soon her consciousness returned, and she looked at me and softly said," I love you Arthur", I smiled and touching her cheek, I said," From now onwards you are my woman Hilda", she nodded and smiled brightly which looked a bit foolish due to a slight aheagao look it had.

She then sat up and looked at my erect penis, then holding it, she looked at me submissively and said," Let me use my mouth to please you, also it's my first time doing it so please forgive me If I do it wrong", I smirked hearing that and asked," You never give him a blowjob?", she shook her head and said," How could I suck his dirty cock?", chuckling I asked," Is my cock dirty too?", she became panicked and said," No! I didn't mean tha-", I gave her face a slight slap with my cock.

Smirking I said," My cock is indeed dirty, and I will use your mouth to clean it", she trembled seeing my gaze of a predator who is seeing his prey, she started breathing heavily,' Why? Why his look and words are making me so happy?! Why my pussy is twitching in delight? and this feeling of being fulfilled? I now understand, because he fucking thousand times better than my excuse of a husband, because he is someone whose love I desire, If I can get his love and affection, nothing matters to me anymore, not even my two sons whom I never saw in years '.

Then panting heavily she sniffed my cock, I rubbed her head and said," Clean it", she gave me a submissive look and started licking it, I grunted in pleasure as I enjoyed the feeling of her tongue licking my cock, her saliva coating my dick, as she sucked the cum on it, moving her tongue to my balls, she started sucking on them and with one hand she started giving me a blowjob.


I looked at her and asked," Where did you learn that from?", she blushed in embarrassment and said," I saw maids doing these to Sauros as he had trained them to be his fucktoys", I rubbed her head and said," Oh! To think you will be a peeping pervert!", she held her head down, and said meekly," Does that makes you dislike me?".

I rubbed her head gently and said," Not at all, I would love it if you become a pervert though only for me, and to make you that horny forcing you to see your own father-in-law fuck his maids, speaks volumes about your husband", she smiled hearing that, and then continued sucking my balls, and giving me a handjob at the same time, she then moved to my cock and started cleaning it again.

After a bit she started sucking it gently, then moving her head forward she took half of my cock, and started giving me a blowjob, I felt a sense of domination and pleasure seeing Hilda sucking my cock so seriously, her beautiful face contorted as she tried her best to please my, I moaned in pleasure, hearing which she started sucking my cock faster and tried taking more of my cock inside her mouth.


She pushed her head and tried taking more of my cock but gagged and hurriedly moved her head back, coughing a bit with red eyes, looking at me she said," I am sorry", I got annoyed by her repeated apologies and grabbed her head, I pushed my cock inside her mouth pushing the whole length inside her mouth.

Her nose hit my pubic region, I used my skills to make sure she did not gag but did feel a problem breathing, I started moving my hips, thrusting my cock inside her throat, enjoying the softness of her tongue and mouth, and using her mouth as a pussy. I continued mouthfucking her, as her eyes turned towards me and tears dripped from them.

I pushed my whole length and then held her head at the place enjoying her throat squeezing around my cock, then released while taking my cock out letting her breath, she coughed and breathed heavily, I asked her," Should I stop", I wasn't going to as knowing her answer, but still, I asked showing my care.

She smiled and said," No need, you can continue", then she looked at my throbbing cock,' The feeling of being dominated and my mouth used as pussy is too Good, I never knew that I liked it, but then again Arthur is so perfect that everything he does makes my heart throb and make me happy ', she thought.

After waiting for a bit I continued mouthfucking her, stopping occasionally to let her breath, or I held her head at a place while my cock was fully inside her, I enjoyed mouthfucking her, and she also orgasmed again, after continuing that for a few minutes my cock throbbed and I said," Drink it all!".

I pushed my cock deep inside her throat, and grabbed her head forcefully, her eyes turned upward as tears dripped from it, I released my load inside her throat, and she tried to drink it all, but failed as some cum started coming out of her nose, but she gulped the rest of it. after I left her head, she slowly took my cock out of her mouth and started breathing heavily and coughing.

Then I cleaned her nose with a handkerchief and said," Let's continued, also this time in doggy position, if you know about it", she nodded and then positioned herself, her ass raised towards me as she was on her fours, she looked at me with a pervy look and said,"~Arthur~I love you~🤍".

Rubbing my cock on her entrance, I thrusted strongly pushing my whole length inside her in one go, she moaned loudly, and I started pistoning her.

*Pak* *Pak* *Pak* *Pak*

"~ahhh!~fuck me hawder~Ahhh!~🤍".

I grabbed her hair and pulled it, her tongue came out of he mouth as she started panting like a dog, I gave a spank on her ass cheeks, and as they jiggled to and fro beautifully, and she moaned loudly.

"~That's it!~ Fuck me like I am your bitch!~Spank me harder!~🤍"

*Slap* *Slap *Slap*

Hearing her words I repeatedly spanked her, butt, my thrusts were strong and her pussy had already taken into my shape, I enjoyed her soft inside squeezing me, grunting in please I pulled her hair a bit and spanked her strongly I said," From now onwards you are my bitch!".

*Pak* *Pak* *Slap* *Slap* *Pak*

Her tongue rolled out as she moaned and said,"~Yesh~I am your bitch~🤍". He butt has become red, my handprints are imprinted on them and I slapped repeatedly enjoying their jidggle and feeling of slapping something so soft.

*Pak* *Slap* *Slap* *Pak*


Her erotic sounds were loud and they were like music to my ears, the sound of her moans, flesh slapping, and my spanks on her butt cheeks filled up the room, she continued moaning like a bitch in heat as I continued thrusting my cock in and out of her soft pussy. I continued this like for a few more minutes when my cock throbbed strongly.

I said," I am coming!", I pushed my cock strongly as it pierced her cervix and reached deep inside her womb, I painted her insides in my color, and she moaned loudly,"~Su hot!~".

She made a beautiful erotic ahegao face, I released my huge load inside her making her womb bulge a bit, then releasing her hair I slowly took my cock out of her bit red pussy which is sore from the banging I gave her, as soon as my cock came out of her pussy, the mixture of my cum and her love juices gushed out like a fountain.

She kept panting heavily as I waited for her to recover, and once she did I again continued fucking her, we fucked for 2 hours more before she became unconscious and I slept with her while cuddling with her.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: This is her pic, also I have given the pic in comments below for mobile users)