27) The Betrayal

(Author's Note: Just one thing I want to say, all those who misunderstood the chapter's name and what is gonna happen, you guys really don't trust me, anyway we already know what betrayal is gonna happen)


3rd Pov

In a dark lited room, One can see a fatass Man r*ping a young girl of 10 years old, he moved his hips enjoying the feeling of the soft pussy of the girl wrapping around his c*ck, the girl lay emotionless as if dead but on observing one can see she isn't dead but just doesn't want to defy the man anymore.

It has been a whole year since the man had kidnapped her and made her into his s*x slave, he would often r*pe her brutally, and beat her if she tries to fight against him, by now she had understood that if she lets him do whatever he wants to her without any defiance he won't beat her. It wasn't difficult for her considering she had already become numb to the pain near her crotch.

The man continued moving his hips, and then looking at the girl who moved her hips cooperating with him to make him come early, a disgusting smile came on his face but seeing the hair of the girl which looked a bit bluish, bad memories resurfaced in his mind, he jolted back felling out of the bed, with fear he stood up and breathed heavily.

The girl became confused by his actions, the fat man snorted and said," Listen B*tch get the f*ck out of here!", the girl nodded fearfully and did what he said trying her best to leave the room, but stumbled due to the pain in her crotch and whole body, the fat man became angry seeing this and kicked her making her fall on the ground.

"Get the f*ck out of here!!", he shouted causing the girl to quickly run away despite all the pain she is experiencing, she feared that the man would kill him if she stays any longer causing the response in her body to occur giving her enough strength to run away. The fatass man then kicked on the chair and angrily shouted," Mere Insect?! Me a mere Insect?! That b*tch!".

A person came to the door and looked at the fat man venting his anger, he shook his head and said," Darius, stop with this, venting out your anger like this isn't going to help us", Darius stopped his act and then taking towel he wears it and said," Your Majesty I am angry! A mere Noble women tortured me and almost killed me last time".

The prince shook his head and said," You should be grateful that she at least left you alive otherwise you would have been dead", Darius gritted his teeth hearing that and said," Your Majesty, I am the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom, not to mention commoner women even Noble women are s*x slaves for me and a way to vent my lust! But now a b*tch who was previously commoner comes not only defying me but almost killing me as well".

Grabel walked inside the room and said," So what do you want to do? Contact Reida, your lover to get revenge on the woman, Minerva?", Darius became silent hearing that, he knew he can do that if he that desperate, Reida, the current Water God is his old lover, and even now their relationship is very good, the other party can even sacrifice his life for him.

This is where his confidence comes from! In his younger days when he wasn't the Prime Minister of the Asura Kingdom, he saved a beautiful girl from the retribution of young Nobles who wanted to cut off her arms, he did this only because he was enchanted by her beauty and later on made love with her, satisfying his carnal desires.

After getting bored though, he broke up with her and met her again after a few years when she was a Water God instructor, he didn't remember her that time since to him she was just a fling he had years ago and by then he had changed a lot, from a normal pervert to a person who does vile things to satisfy his desires.

After knowing her strength he pretended to remember her and took her to become the Royal Palace instructor, as time passed he finally remembered her and his fling, and their relationship further solidified, she is his subordinate now and he can order her if he wants to, though most of the time she is busy teaching her granddaughter it won't be much of a problem to him.

Grabel suddenly said," As much as I want to eliminate them, the risk is too great Darius, there are already the rumors of her being a Magic God, and even from her previous show of powers she is at least a Magic Emperor of unknown Element, if you were to lose Reida then we will be eliminated", Darius sweated hearing Prince's words.

Grabel was right, if Reida were to die then her next target would be them, and even if they somehow manage to escape from her radar not exposing them as the preparator, their greatest strength will be gone! They will be very vulnerable and if the second Prince or Third Princess manages to secure a powerful powerhouse then they can eliminate them.

Darius clenched his fists and then relaxed he turned and gave Grabel a bow and said," I thank your Majesty, you saved me from making a risky move", the prince nodded and replied," For now, let's maintain a neutral relationship with them, or better try to get in their good looks, at the same time prevent my other siblings establishing a relationship with them, also try to get a stronger powerhouse to eliminate them since their existence is very threatening to us".

Hearin Prince's plan, Darius nodded and felt glad he chose to support Grabel, and then said," Your Majesty, from the rumors that woman Minerva is deeply in love with that Viscount, Arthur, so if we somehow manage to please him then controlling her won't be difficult", the Prince nodded and smiled," Indeed a great plan, but what would please him?", he asked.

A smile came on Darius's face as he said," The same thing that pleases every man, woman, I doubt he would resist the temptation of tasting women". As such, they started brewing their plans.


5 months later,

In the nighttime, one can see a man with sandy light brown hair walking up the stairs, suddenly his eyes turned to a room whose door was open, inside it one can see a naked woman with reddish color hair, he gulped seeing her voluptuous scene and without being able to control his lust he slowly walked towards there.

The woman feeling someone, turned to see him, she blushed a bit seeing his muscles, she panicked a bit seeing his expression while moving towards him, but calmed herself down, she hadn't released in a long time, it has been 5 years before she had s*x, and the lovemaking of Paul and Zenith didn't help her much.

At first, it was fine since her Young Master Rudy often cried a lot and never let Paul and Zenith made out, but as he grew up his bad habit stopped, and recently they mated like animals, causing Zenith to become pregnant, again due to this they stopped having s*x but her lust was already on the peak, finally, she decided to seduce Paul.

Today Zenith isn't at home, and Rudeus is sleeping, it was a perfect time, and by now being familiar with Paul's routine she knowingly left the door open, trying her luck, she knew what kind of man Paul was, after all, he forced himself on her in past and r*ped her, unfortunately for herself who was unable to bear her lust she didn't think of consequences at all.

Paul came inside the room, Lilia was ready to embrace the feeling she didn't have in years, the door closed and just as he was about to touch her, their bodies fell on the floor, and then their bodies extended into the air like a corpse, a figure entered the room and looked at the scene emotionlessly.

It was none other than a clone of Arthur, Rudeus being controlled directly by Minerva, she looked at both of them with disgust, especially Lilia, she knows that her dear wants her but her unborn daughter as well, obviously he wanted the legendary Mother-daughter Okyadon but thinking how for this the woman her dear has eyes on has to make love with another man.

She felt angry, angry at her weakness, if she was stronger then she could have created Aisha's birth without such a stupid operation, but fate and destiny aren't something she can influence now, thankfully her current strength she gained after evolving into a Manas gives her power to use a better alternative, at least better than letting her Dear's future woman mating with another man.

She created a mental illusion for both of them, where while all the movements of the other's body in both the illusion were the same, while in Paul's dream, he was making out with Lilia, in Lilia's dream she was making out with a man she assumed to be Paul, but had blurry face if one where to observe carefully, the body of the person wasn't Paul at all!

In fact, it was the body of Arthur, yes like the hell she is gonna even let Lilia dream of mating with someone else other than her beloved Master and Husband. Then she used telekinesis to insert the sperms of Paul into Lilia, while with a disgusted look, she looked coldly at Lilia, snorted and waited for a few minutes and then left while Paul's and Lilia's bodies fell on their respective bed in a different room.

In just a few minutes they both had dreams of having sex for hours and then leaving for their respective room to rest, while Minerva coldly looked at their tired bodies resting thinking that they had made out, her main consciousness came back to her real body, while she had a smirk on her face, she looked at Arthur sleeping while hugging him.

She had already informed him about in the morning, getting the reward to sleep with him privately without his concubine's disturbance, she blushed feeling his left hand on her soft belly and right hand on her breast, she slowly broke from his embrace and then hugged him back, snuggling on his chest and inhaling his smell, she giggled and rubbed her face against his cheeks and then with a smile slept in his embrace.


A few days passed, and Lilia and Paul again made out in the illusionary world created by Minerva, soon Lilia became pregnant and finally, the time came for the consequences of their actions.

"Slap!!!!", the sound of the slap filled the room, one can see Lilia with a red handprint on her left cheek, while in front of her was Zenith whose eyes were red and had tears, Paul flinched seeing this and tried persuading his wife, "Ze-Zenith I don't think you sh-*Slap!!", he was slapped by Zenith who looked at him with betrayed expression.

The guilt consumed him as he lowered his head not daring to look into his wife's eyes, he knew what he had done, he had betrayed her, and now the truth is out he doesn't know what to do when he had an affair with Lilia, there was not a shed of guilt but just a fear that his wife may know about it, but he couldn't stop himself from making out with Lilia.

Zenith angrily asked him," Why? Why?!! WHY DID YOU DO THAT?!!!", Paul's body trembled in fear, when it came to Zenith, then she was the only woman whom he had ever loved, it won't be wrong to say after living with her for five years he will give his life for protecting her, but when it comes to his s*xual matters, he wasn't able to stop his c*ck.

Lilia looked ashamed of herself, she betrayed Poor Zenith, someone who was like her best friend by now, to have s*x with Paul, a person who r*ped her years ago, to her, she realized she did the same as Paul had done with her years ago, but she did worse by making Zenith suffer as well. Thinking about this she was ready to take all the blame and bear the consequences of her actions.

She took a step, shifting the focus of Zenith on her, she flinched a bit seeing tears rolling down her eyes, even with the anger she had, one can see the pain and sadness in her eyes, she bit her lips and said," Mistress, it was me who seduced Master Paul, it's my mistake", and unsurprisingly another slap landed on her cheek, then another, another and another.

Zenith kept slapping her till her hand started paining from slapping repeatedly with such force, Lilia's cheeks were red and a bit swollen, causing a lot of pain to her but she didn't resist, according to her, she deserved it, for betraying Zenith someone who took her when she had nowhere to go and she did the same thing as Paul did in past and like other Nobles.

Zenith broke into tears, crying while she fell on the floor, Paul seeing this became worried and tried to give her support only to relieve a look of hatred," Don't you dare touch me!! You f*cking cheater! You Liar!! How many times have you cheated on me??!!! How many times? You bastard!!", Paul trembled to see the anger of his wife.

By now Zenith was already sure that Paul must have cheated on him countless times behind her back, thinking this she felt more angry, sad, and betrayed, a depressing feeling surrounded her heart making her feel like she was drowning, the feeling of getting betrayed by the person she loved and trusted the most was really painful.

Paul didn't dare touch her for fear of making her angrier, while Lilia felt more guilty seeing her state, suddenly Rudeus who was standing silently approached her only to get a slap, and fell back, Zenith seeing that she hurt her son by mistake, she panicked, and approached him and hugged him," Ru-Rudy?! I am sorry! I didn't want to hurt you!".

She caressed his back, to feel him hugging her," Mama, please don't punish yourself, I can't bear seeing you sad", he said causing her to hug him tightly," Oh Rudy!!", she broke into tears as she hugged him tightly, Paul and Lilia looked at this silently not knowing what to do, in the end, it was Rudy who consoled and made Zenith stop crying.

By the end, Zenith was a mess and ignoring both of them, slept in her room while hugging her only support, her son, once she left finally Paul dared to move, her turned towards Lilia, wanting to check her swollen cheek only for her to move back," Lilia, let me check it", she shook her head and said," It doesn't matters, I have done something I shouldn't have done and now I can only repent".

Paul said," Lilia! Don't worry I will somehow make Zenith accept our relationship and then-", Lilia broke his words," Master Paul", she said gathering his attention and said," We never were a thing, It's just, I did a mistake", Paul's face turned pale as he asked," Lilia? What are you saying? You are gonna be the mother of my child!".

Lilia replied," I am ashamed, to bear this child born out of betrayal, but it's my mistake, not this child's I should bear the consequences, and my and its presence will only provide pain to Zenith", Paul trembled, he moved and grabbed her hand and said," No! I can't accept that! Yo- You are mine!".

Lilia tried her best to break out of his grasp but how could a weak mortal barely being able to use a Beginner Swordsman's strength break out of a person as strong as Saint? He hugged her looking at her with an obsessed look," Don't worry, I promise to take care of you and my child", Lilia panicked seeing him," Paul", a cold voice reached their ears.

Paul flinched and broke their hug, he saw back to find Zenith looking at them with a cold expression, he trembled and said," Dear! It wasn't my mistake! As you heard it was Lilia's! Yes, she seduced me!", Lilia looked at Paul in disbelief but then thought,' What was I expecting of R*pist bastard like him? ', she found it funny that it was him whom she chooses to vent her lust.

Zenith who hadn't seen the whole scene, turned at Lilia, recalling all the memories she had made, and then with a hoarse voice she said," Leave, Leave by tomorrow or else!", Lilia flinched and nodded," Yes, I will do as you said", she bowed, Zeniith hugged Rudy tightly causing him to wake up, seeing this she said," Rudy, Sleep, Sleep Rudy, don't worry Mama isn't sad anymore".

Rudy hugged her neck and fell asleep causing her to feel relieved, then she gave Paul a cold look and left not able to bear to see their faces, just seeing them made her remember all the pain and their betrayal. Paul turned to Lilia wanting to apologize for his behavior," Lilia I am sorry", Lilia shook her head and looked at him," No need to apologize, Master Paul, it is my mistake that I broke Zenith's trust to sleep with someone like you", she said shocking paul.

Paul held his head down guilty of his actions, Lilia left the room to prepare her things to leave by tomorrow. Today, a family was broken due to the betrayal of two people, and the one feeling most pain wasn't the bastard who betrayed but the one who didn't do anything wrong and was betrayed, Zenith hugged her son tightly, her only current emotional support unware of her future.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Hope ya enjoyed the chapter, we are just a bit away from Paul being double cucked and then left broken)