Infidelity Exposure

(Author's Note: I am too much of sadistic)


3rd Pov

Almost an year had passed, and the spatial distortion around Citadel of Roa had increased manifold. The entire city was bustling with life, streets were filled with Adventurers, commoners, merchants, soldiers and same people who were involved in the dark side of the city, everything was going as usual, but unknown to everyone it was calm before the storm.

In this world, the real power was held by a minority, they were none other Nobles, Royalty and the Strong Sword or Magic Practitioners. This world fully showcased the evil nature of the humans, putting the evil side of modern world into shame. Nobles were free to rape any women they liked, without any constraint. It had also become a culture for the lower Nobles to bestow their not-so-important daughters as maids to higher ones.

They were trained from the birth, so they could submit their selves to their master, and provide benefits to their families. The love between a noble and commoner were more tragic than often, if the Noble is male then at least the commoner female can become his concubine, though she would me most probably killed off by another jealous concubine of Nobility.

If the Noble is female, and the commoner is male, then their love is doomed, as the weak men could only watch their love getting dogged by another Noble in front of them. In such world, were moral constraints were only held back by the level of the power a person held, and everything was possible to achieve by personal power, strength and position. In such a despairing world it was a sin to be weak.

Eris Greyart had understood this well, mostly because of repeated assassination attempts done on her. She could still recall how her Nobility was but trash in front of kidnappers who were ready to force themselves on her, if not for the timely rescue of her Teach, she might have lost her dignity forever. Thus, she decided to become strong, not only in sense of position, but also power so she doesn't gets sold off to some other Noble Household in name of strengthening ties.

She had well understood if a situation really comes then her beloved grandfather won't bat a eye before selling her, as for her father? A man who couldn't prevent both of her elder brothers become a prisoners so their family could be restrained which was getting more powerful than their supposed rank of Nobility? She doubt he could do anything.

Thankfully, she was lucky enough to become the personal disciple of her Teacher, Arthur years ago. That time she was a child who just thought she got a good sword teacher and interesting magic teacher, but as she grew up she realized how foolish here thoughts were. To become the one and only disciple of Arthur, whom even the four Major Noble families had to be wary of, and get a chance to get the power to control her own fate in a world which is more cruel to females than to males.

She realized how fortunate it was, otherwise her Noble status could do nothing in front of whom are truly strong. Just a word from the heir of one of the four Major Nobilities of Asura Kingdom, she could be easily sold off as a maid whose only purpose will be to pleasure him. She had matured a lot and realized how showing off her Noble status in front of commoners was but insulting.

She had nothing of hers own, her prestige and status was only there because she was born with it, but overall she was a pathetic weakling who thought that she was the center of the world. Thankfully she had grown out of such naive thoughts long ago thanks to the strict teaching of her Sensei. 

One could see, Eris swinging swords at an inhuman speed in the training grounds of her mansion, the soldiers or guards of the family watched with awe as they looked at 12-year old girl swinging swords faster than them, with her each swing creating a powerful gust of wind a testament of the power her strikes held, capable of killing anyone of them.

" Is there any of you who want to spar with me?", she suddenly stopped and asked the guards who quickly denied in a respectful way and quickly got back to their way. " Useless", she said in a loud voice, insulting all the guards serving her family. " You are getting more stronger than day by day, daughter", said Philips, the Mayor of the City as he walked towards her daughter.

Eris looked at the man, her father with slight disdain in her eyes. " Father why don't you find some guys who can actually protect us instead of guys who just know to bully the commoners but can't do shit when the real danger comes", she complained pointing at a guard nearby. Philip sighed and said," Daughter don't use bad language, as a girl born in Nobility it doesn't suits you", Eris ignored his words completely and placed her wooden sword in the stand and walked inside the mansion.

" This- *Sigh*", Philip sighed with a slight sadness on his face, he understood in her daughter's eyes she wasn't some worthy of respect, he doubted if she even loved him. Infact his situation with Hilda had even been bad as well, it had been several years since they had slept together, and she would even get disgusted on his request of kiss, and would deny him asking him to save their sons.

While to Philip it looked as if he disappointed Hilda, but in Saurous' eyes it looked as pretense to hide her infidelity. Philip walked inside the mansion, and walked towards the one of the man rooms which they used for leisure and gathering. " Tell me! What the hell have you been doing?!!", he heard the angry voice of his father, and quickly got inside, to see his wife, his father, his daughter and some maids inside.

He could see his father fuming with anger while glaring at his wife, while Eris standing in the middle with confusion. " Father what happened?!", Philip questioned him with worry wondering the cause of their fight. " Grandpa is getting angry over Mother's request of visiting Lord Arthur's house", replied Eris instead of Sauros.

" Father then why are you getting angry on such a matter, Hilda is just going to meet Lady Minerva as al-", he could finish up his sentence as a slap landed on his face surprising him," FUCKING Idiot! I can't believe you are my son! Your wife has done infidelity and yet you are support her!", he shouted with anger, for a moment Philip couldn't understand the meaning of his words.

But then his eyes widened as he looked at Hilda who had an arrogant look on her face, directly glaring at Saurous without any fear. Eris herself was shocked by her grandfather's words, and looked at her mother in disbelief, after all even in her dictionary cheating was wrong but she couldn't muster up any words as the man she might be cheating with was most probably Arthur.

Philip meanwhile faced an inner turmoil before his face become firm," Father, you most probably have misunderstood, I know Hilda has been dissatisfied with as of lately not to mention her repeated visits to Lady Minerva is suspicious, but I believe in her. She can't betray me, not to mention Lord Arthur has been kind enough to take my daughter as his disciple, please stop this misunderstanding", he said.

Sauros slapped his forehead looking at his own son in disbelief, even getting suspicions that whether his own wife had cheated on him, and Philip was even his blood or not. Afterall the father and son were totally different, former would fuck all the maids in the household, while the latter won't even touch any other woman in the name of being loyal to his wife.

" Proof- Yes you need proof! Come here!", he said and under everyone's shocked eyes a scared maid stepped in front of them, Sauros sneered and slapped her ass as she remained silent and then ordered," Tell them, about what you had witnessed that day", the maid nodded and started describing the events of the past, where Arthur and Hilda made love in the very room that belonged to Philip and Hilda.

Tears started pouring out Philip's eyes as Hilda simply accepted the claim and he fell on the floor devastated, all his fantasies shattered. Eris remained silent not knowing what to do, while Sauros made himself calm on the chair," So what now huh? Did you now realize the woman you call your wife has been cheating on you for years with another man? Philip, what will you do now?", he said with a smirk.

' Let this be a good lesson to you, women should be treated as they are born, to spread their legs before men and submit themselves as slaves ', he thought as he had planned this revelation to become a driving force to make his stupid son more warier and crueler, contrary to his current self. He expected Philip to get up and slap Hilda, and then throw her on the ground while tearing her clothes, and then regaining his dignity by raping her.

But Philip stood up and instead asked her," Wh-Why did you betray me?", Sauros couldn't believe that his son after getting betrayed would do the stupidest thing. He started trembling while clenching his fists and gritting his teeth, wondering if he should do the job instead and rape Hilda. " Listen to me Philips, I didn't loved you. Our Marriage was a forced one, and even then you disappointed me. I love Arthur, and I am breaking our relationship now!", she said deciding to end the facade.

Sauros got up from his chair charging towards Hilda, to take his anger on her, but he was stopped none other than Eris. " Grandpa! Control your anger!", she said only to be slapped," You fucking retard, just because you got trained by that bastard and I dotted on you, do you think that you can go against me?! The Head of this Noble House! Let me go and show your fucking whore of a mother, her place! I will rape her and show you where she belongs!"

Eris became stunned by the cruel words of her grandfather, while Philips panicked hearing Sauros would rape Hilda. He knew that his father could do what he said, after all he had seen him raping many innocent commoner girls, even teenage girls in the name of punishment in open. Thus, for a man like him it was no big deal to rape the woman of his own son.

" Father!-", he couldn't speak anything as he was slapped extremely hard and fell on the floor half-conscious," Fucking Idiot! I can't believe he is my son! That bitch definitely cheated on me! To give birth to such a spineless bastard", he said and grabbed Eris' hand. But the room became silent as he fell backwards with Arthur suddenly in front of him.

" Sensei!", said Eris in surprise, while a smile former on Hilda's face, her arrogant look disappeared with the face of a gentle wife. " You are here", she said as if expressing her happiness. Philip also regained his consciousness and watched the scene of his wife being hugged by Arthur and then engaging in a deep kiss, even they never had a tongue to tongue kiss! Much less kiss on the lips!

Tears started pouring down his eyes, as he finally stood up in anger," You fucking bitch! I had been nice to you all this years! Yet you betrayed me with this fucking bastard!", he said while taking out a knife from his pocket, Sauros' face became pale seeing actions of his son,' What did I do to get such a stupid son?! You bastard behaved like an idiot till Arthur wasn't here! And now he is here you are behaving like this! ', he thought.

If it was before then he would have been proud of Philip but in presence of Arthur he just saw sheer stupidity in his son. He charged with knife, with the desire to kill Arthur," Die you both!", he shouted, having lost all his mind only for his hand to be twisted backwards, and his entire body falling downwards. Arthur didn't even took any action, rather Philip got surprised as he looked at the preparator.

"Eris! Do you want to betray me as well!", he shouted with bloodshot eyes, Eris replied," If you try to harm, Sensei- then yes, I will", hearing her quick and firm reply he started laughing in madness," My own wife! And daughter betrayed me! Hahahahah!!! I will fucking kill you Arthur! Also remember! Hilda then I will rape you for days! Then I will throw you in a brothel to become a whore! Eris you will have the same fate!!", he shouted.

"Let's go-", Arthur said ignoring him, after all he knew that less than ten minutes were left till the teleport incident, and he already had a plan for him, he smirked looking Philip making him shudder. " Eris, decide yourself- Arthur or them", Hilda meanwhile raised a question for her daughter who quickly walked to their side, Sauros stood up wanting to talk with Arthur and mediate the situation but they simply disappeared in front of him.

" You fucking bastard!", he shouted agitated as he glared at his son, unaware of the disaster that was just a few moments far away.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: It is finally here! The pivotal moment of this fic, one of the many! We aren't very far away from the next big plot and an interesting story development! Also do you feel disappointed with how he handled Philip? Feeling Unsatisfied- Then you don't trust me.

Re-read the above paragraphs, and you will find that Ntr is just around the corner! Also trust me despite how an hated situation will occur soon, and no- it is not related to women in any way, or Mc getting nerfed- or his or his woman's personality getting changed, or world getting stronger out of nowehere. No OP Multiversal entities after Mc either, just a plot development, which many even me find slightly unlikable.

Guess if you want- 

Also just a small spoiler, our Mc is absolute.

Also here is the new discord link!

Anyway! Bye!)