The War- no The Massacre Begins


3rd Pov

"So the plan is it to let the army of the three Kingdoms drain their Mana and finally strike when they are drained out? That's it?", asked Atoferatofe while tilting her head, Kalman II, her son nodded extremely happy with the fact that his mother managed to understand their plan. " Bah! Why don't we just go and kill those bastards instead of waiting here like idiots?", she complained while a bloodthirsty look formed on her face.

"Mother! Although I know we are immortal but this battle is not meant to be fought recklessly! So please do control yourself ", Kalman II said a bit seriously and surprisingly Atoferatofe blushed slightly like a child who had gotten reprimanded and nodded. If it was anyone else she would have killed him, but it was none other than her son someone whom she loved dearly and due to her 'All brawns but no brains', self the roles of child and parent were a bit reversed.

Kalman III the son of Kalman II sighed at how his father easily managed to make his grandmother listen to him, even he couldn't do that easily despite being her beloved Grandchild. " Let's get over with it so I can retire already! I have planned to open a restaurant and let the world know the taste of my culinary skills", said the Death God Randolph who happened to be son of Kalman III.

If that wasn't enough Badigadi the brother of Atoferatofe was present as well, his face was half-serious and half-excited, with anticipation in his eyes for the battle that was about to began. " They are just a few hours away from the Camelot", said Kalman III as his eyes became serious. This world's strongest family composed of two Immortal Demons and their children was present here.

As for how these guys were ready to do the dirty work for the Human God? There were a plenty of reasons, firstly Badigadi was a apostle of Human God a loyal one compared to Kalman III who was an apostle of the human God as well though unlike his Great Uncle he didn't trusted Human God that much but due to the insistence of Atoferatofe, his Grand Mother who wanted to fight against the beings who killed Laplace, the Demon God and Badigadi the entire family assembled.

Naturally as a caring son Kalman II decided to assist her mother in this war, Kalman III decided to join as well as he was an Apostle of Human God and his father and grand-mother were participating in this war, he also included his son Death God Randolph in this war. Afterall despite possessing only 1/8th Immortality of Atoferatofe and not high Mana, he was still one of the World Powers, more than capable enough to participate in this battle.

So while they waited for the army ahead of them to do their and drain their enemies' power. In the front of the army line that was headed by none other than one of seven great heroes who vanished Laplace. He was assisted by the 11 Ancient Spirits, who were none other than his summons. The Generals of the all the three Kingdoms were present as well.

Reida Reia was present as well who walked beside the Perugius Dola who was sitting on a Horse which galloped slowly. " Hmm, where is the North God III?", suddenly Perugius asked her, she replied in a slightly respectful tone," Your Excellency, he is with Death God, his son who is here to assist in the war and they are situated at the back of the army to protect the Kings and the Pope."

He just nodded on her reply a bit surprised that Kings and the Pope came on the battle themselves though as expected they were behind the 60% of the army which was composed of a eight hundred thousand strong soldiers, a mixture of Asura Kingdom's army, the three orders from the Holy Kingdom Milis and finally a huge portion of army from Dragon King Kingdom, it's allies and vassals.

This was an unpredicted alliance and a force that could destroy any Kingdom in this world. To be honest Perugius was well aware of the fact that normally this army was will be not enough to kill someone who subdued Laplace, but since their enemies were Humans, this army was a powerful assistance nonetheless. Not to mention he didn't believe that Laplace was at his full power after being unsealed thus the enemy they will face won't be as strong Laplace at his heyday.


" It would seem that we aren't very far from Citadel of Roa now", said the King of Asura Kingdom as he sat on a chair. " It would seem so", said Harry Grimoire, the Pope of the Milis religion. " Hmm, after a few hours we will shift the army camp and the battle should begin by tomorrow", said the King of Dragon King Kingdom. 

" I wonder your excellencies, since Perugius Dola is assisting us I doubt those heretics will come out alive by the next dawn", said Darius, currently the two Kings, the Pope and some important minsters including the first Prince of Asura Kingdom and some princes from the other. Infact the princes themselves were confused how such a collaboration came to be, but now seeing how serious their leaders were in Killing Minerva and Arthur, and knew their deeds such things became apparent.

While all the ministers and Princes were celebrating the assured victory, they forgot to miss the eyes of their Leaders which somehow looked lifeless as if they were nothing more than puppet. This was due to the involvement of Minerva and Human God, former controlled Asura Kingdom's King while latter the Pope and King of Dragon King Kingdom.

Infact Human God himself was unaware than even Asura Kingdom's King was a puppet, after all his involvement in this war was the most legimate contrary to the other two. " My King!!", suddenly a minister barged in their tent announced, looking at his face and his impolite behaviour many wanted to have them executed.

" Forgive me for my imprudence Your Excellencies but I have gotten the news that Pilemon Notos and Austur Eurus alongside many major Nobles who supported Second Princess, Ariel had betrayed the Kingdom! They have announced their pledge to the King Arthur!!", he said surprising everyone. " Those bastards!", " Have they gone Crazy?!!", shouted several people.

Finally they looked to the Asura King who scarily didn't have any expression on his face," Father as I thought that bitch of my sister is allied with Arthur, but to think she will dare to betray! ", the First Prince Grabell said followed by the words of his most loyal dog," Yes your majesty! Execution will be not enough for that heretic! I shall torture her on your behalf!", Darius Silva said as he licked his lips.

" Silence", the King said in a emotionless tone, suddenly the room's environment turned uneasy as King stood up with a emotionless face and said," Be glad to be the sacrifices of the Goddess Minerva in her great endeavor", his words stunned everyone. " What nonsense you are spouting?! What is the meaning of this Zeld?!", Harry shouted as he stood up and so did Dragon King Kingdom's King.

A chilly smile appeared on his face," As you heard, me, you, everyone present here, the entire army will be sacrifices for the Lady Minerva and Lord Arthur, be glad that you get this chance to be of use them!! Hail King Arthur! Hail Goddess Minerva!!", he said like a fanatic, and then suddenly leaped at Darius and stabbed him with a knife in his elbow, and his figure vanished.

" HAhaha! Unfortunately for Darius Lord has other plans!! Truly a pity for he won't be able to be use of the Lord", he said," Get him!! He is not the king!!", suddenly the First Prince shouted completely scared, some soldiers quickly got the King while Asura generals looked uneasy. " What's the meaning of this?!! Explain it to me otherwise Asura kingdom needs to be ready for a war!!", said King of Dragon King Kingdom.

Alas it was too late for them, as soldiers started shouting and they got out of the tent to see a scene that stunned themself, their entire body froze in fear as they witnessed their death coming closer and closer every second. They a huge shockwave rang out as their entire bodies disintegrated.


Arthur Pov

I looked at the newly built Citadel of Roa from the skies while glancing at the approaching army, marching towards here. It had been a few days Nina and Isolte reached here and had been searching for me nonstop, I chuckled a bit thinking of that, I have already changed their races as well unknown to them so they could benefit from the evolution as well.

" I shall meet them after this war, but Minerva let's begin", I said and soon a huge screen appeared on the four sides of the Camelot. The people stopped what they were doing and looked at my figure on the screens surprised, murmurs filled the entire place. I could see the surprised faces of Nina and Isolte on looking my familiar face on the screen.

I began," My people of Camelot! As I speak a army strong of 800 thousand soldiers composed of soldiers of Asura Kingdom, Orders of Milis Kingdom the one who believe in a false god and Dragon King Kingdom are marching towards us! Even several World powers including the false Hero Perugius are marching towards us! ", the people became stunned at my words, then the scene of the entire army marching towards us appeared on the screen much to their horror.

The cries of people and curses started filling the place on which I shouted," Silence!!", I released a bit of my Aura suppressing them then I said," Why do you fear?!! So what if an army of a million strong is coming towards us?! So what if those selfish world powers and that false hero are against us?!!! This Kingdom is under my Protection and foremost of all! It is the Holy Land of the religion of Sophia!".

I took back my Aura and the people were more calm now, in a sense they were literally on the ground begging Minerva who was Goddess in their eyes to save, I could feel the flow of faith becoming turbulent. When in danger, when cornered, when in despair, when know it is impossible to go against the current tide, the living beings pray to God.

The being they belief to be their creator, they guardian, their hope and that's what I wanted. If I wanted I could have used my Aura alone to kill the entire army alongside all the weaker world power. That's what was needed to slay them, just my mere Aura, I didn't needed to even move a bit to kill nearly all of them and make the surviving ones immobile. But to deepen the loyalty and faith of the people, I did it. Once there are hundreds of thousands of Loyal fanatics of Minerva, the expansion of religion is but an easy task.

" My people! Our Goddess have heard your cries!! Look Above!! Look on the cataclysm that will fall upon those heretics who dared to go against Goddess Minerva!!!", I shouted feeling a bit embarrassed inside,[Fufufu, Dear your enthusiasm is making my heart flutter, let your Goddess fulfill your wishes], Minerva said in a silly tone.

The people watched in shock as the entire sky was set ablaze. " What's that?!!", many shouted as they watched hundreds of huge meteorites headed towards the allied army. Several layers of powerful Barriers covered the entire place as I used Barrier Magic strengthened further by [Unique Skill: Spatial Manipulation].


3rd Pov

" Perugius Dola!! That", Reida said as she felt death closing every second, she knew that she couldn't survive against those meteorites. If it was one or few, she could have used her techniques to protect herself from impact, but with the huge number of the meteorites she will be crushed and obliterated before she could do anything.

Perugius gritted his teeth seeing the familiar and lost magic, he sighed and said," Reida quickly come closer, you all as well!", his words were like a hope to the Water God Reida who quickly obeyed his words and got close to him. His summons surrounded him as well, while Perugius started chanting quickly forming a Emperor Level Barrier around them.

' Unfortunately I don't have enough Mana or time to create a larger barrier ', Perugius thought and the soldiers watched in despair as the one they believed to be their Hero, their savior. One whom they grew up reading stories of abandoned them. Their helpless cries reached to deaf ears as they knocked on the transparent barrier while begging to get inside.

A meteorite struck the ground creating a huge shockwave and obliterating everything nearby. The temperature rose by thousands of degrees melting the armor and bones of the nearby soldiers. One after another Meteorite struck destroying huge chunks of armies completely. The landscape changed as the scene looked like as if Hell appeared on the Earth. The people in Camelot watched the scene of destruction with intense shock and horror, after which the cries and prayers of Goddess Minerva filled the entire place.

This day will be written in the pages of the History of Camelot, when Goddess Minerva brought down the Divine punishment on the people who dared to go against her and harm her followers. The streets of Camelot was filled with kneeling people praying to Goddess Minerva with devotion and fear, which strengthened their devotion further.

As of now, The War- No The Massacre had began.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Hope you enjoyed the chapter!!!

Now give me some powerstones, let's end this week with atleast in top 50! Please- I am focusing on this fic solely while putting everything on hold, so donate powerstones!!)