Torture and Surprises?


[Note: Some really dark stuff is here!! If you hate ogres rape torture then please skip this part!!]

3rd Pov

" Damn it!! Where the fuck I am?!!", Darius shouted in fear as he ran away from an ogre, the huge monstrosity walked slowly as if in daze towards Darius, thankfully for him it's pace was slow enough for him to outrun it even with his fat physique. Unfortunately for him he soon got tired and surrounded by the ogres.

" No!!! Don't come here!! You ugly swines!! I am the Prime Minister of Asura Kingdom!! I- I will have you all executed!!", he said pathetically trying to scare them away. Suddenly all of them stopped like and started laughing creepily. He felt chills seeing them licking their lips as they looked at him. He didn't knew what species they were, but he thought them to be demon Kind due to their ugly fat bodies, their terrifying faces, and green skin.

The ogres laughed in a creepy tone and suddenly knelt while leaving a path, in Darius' eyes a man handsome man with white hair and golden eyes walked in front of him with a smirk. " You!! Save me!! I promise to reward you with a lot of wealth and women! I even have Noble brats for you to enjoy!!", he said in a haughty tone as if the man in front of him was entitled to help him. 

" Ah! It seems you couldn't understand who I am", he said as his hair colour and his eyes changed, suddenly Darius' face transformed into one of shock and fear as he looked at Arthur. " Yo-You!", he tried to say something while pointing his finger at him," Ah, Lilia dear are you seeing it?", he said with a smile while Lilia appeared beside him and glanced at Darius as if looking a pig covered in his own shit.

" Wait a minute I remember you!", Darius said as he realized who the maid was, but he still couldn't understand how she had become more beautiful than before! But that only lasted for a while as he saw that man hug the woman while groping her buttocks, "Master, Umm~", Lilia moaned as he fondled her buttock while Darius expression slightly turned into anger, it felt to him as if his toy was stolen!

But he couldn't say anything further as he was grabbed by an ogre who got near him unexpectedly, his face morphed into disgust and horror as the Orc kissed him, them it tore of his lips with his long teeth making him cry horrendously, but magically his lips healed while ogre started tearing his clothes off, other ogres approached him with a smirk on their faces that looked extremely scared.

"~Master~Why don't you just kill this disgusting pig?~", she asked moaning slightly as Arthur fondled her ass, " It isn't enough for him, he raped many woman and even tormented you in the past, such a bastard should get the taste of what it feels to be raped like? And it just happens to be Ogres lack a whore", he said chuckling evilly while Lilia's heart started fluttering hearing his words.

' Master is so kind, I am but an helpless woman who couldn't even fight back in the past, just a pathetic weak woman who didn't deserve love but he did so much for someone like me! Arthur! Arthur!! Arthur!! Arthur!!! Arthur!!! I love you!! I love you!! I love you!! I love you!!!! ', she thought, her expression becoming slightly crazy as Arthur engaged in deep kiss, while the screams of that scum brought another delight to her.

Then he broke their kiss, and soon teleported away, while Darius was crying like a pathetic bitch as his ass was invaded by a monstrous cock. " Please!! It hurts!! It hurst soa mucchh!!", he cried in pain as blood oozed out of his ass, suddenly he released another bone chilling scream while an ogre said awkwardly," It would seem I tore off his dick by mistake".

" Do not worry, our Lord has said we can do whatever we want with this whore!!", said another Ogre as he inserted his hand inside Darius' mouth and started tearing off his teeth, Darius' eyes rolled in pain but he remained awake and fully conscious of the pain. Unfortunately for him, Arthur had used Magic runes on him, one will absorb Mana passively, another will heal him, and third one will not let his mind break to the pain and his body or mind won't become resistant to the pain and he will remain awake the entire time, and some other runes.

Darius' jaw broke further as a cock was inserted his throat suffocating him, Ogres laughed as they continued raping him, some tore his skin, or some tore his belly, some even broke his spine to test the healing and continued fucking him, for hours Darius was brutally raped and once the orcs were done another group of orcs came to continue the torture.


[The Dark Part Ends!!]

Arthur Pov

I looked at the sleeping Lilia beside me, I had filled all the three holes of her to brim and now she laid on the bed satisfied with a silly smile on her face. I placed a kiss on her back and a hickey on her neck before teleporting outside, " It would seem you are finally satisfied", Minerva said as she floated beside me, we were floating above our castle and I watched my women doing a light spar.

Sensing my presence their spar started becoming more serious as they tried to their best to show off their powers to me. " They can't use their new skills properly", I concluded not a bit surprised seeing them being unable to bring out their full potential. Minerva was the main reason why I had never worry to use my skills at their full potential, because of her I could any ability properly, show their true prowess and even use them differently.

" Indeed, it would take a time for them to master their newfound abilities... But they are now capable of being of help to you and stop being useless vases", Minerva said in a harsh tone not concealing her voice from them, and due to their enhanced senses they easily heard her words." Huh?! Do you think I would take this insult silently just because you are his number one?!! Fuck that!! I will be his number One!!", said Ghislaine.

She easily jumped off the ground breaking the runes and spatial barriers strengthening the place, her speed easily accelerated to Mach 100 as she broke the spatial barrier easily arriving near us the next moment, her face was fierce as she swiped her claw that could even tore space at Minerva. Unfortunately for her, she stopped in mid-air, her claw a mere inches from Minerva's face.

" What the- What the fuck is this?!!", Ghislaine shouted angrily as she was unable to move anything else other than her mouth, which Minerva allowed her to do so. " You lost", Minerva said in a cold tone, next moment her eyes narrowed and I said," Minerva- That's it", and she stopped. Ghislaine fell on the ground frustrated.

[Ultimate Skills manipulate the very laws, thus it was impossible for her to win against me], Minerva said telepathically to me, and I agreed with her. We teleported down and I was pulled into a hug by Hilda," Arthur!! Did you like my performance?~Fufu I can now burn down any worm!!", she said as I just nodded while having the feeling of her heavenly mommy milkers.

Zenith narrowed her eyes seeing Hilda's actions but just sighed slightly, meanwhile Ghislaine glared at Minerva. " Hmph! I will get stronger then I will be his number one!!", she said while Minerva chuckled slightly angering her further," I would like you-try", she said causing Ghislaine to grit her teeth and took a deep breath to calm her anger.

"Daddy", Norn pulled my cloth to get my attention, I knelt and looked at both of them, Aisha whispered in my ears," Daddy, mommy Minerva and mommy Ghislain are going to fight!! Stop them please", Norn nodded and whispered in my other ear," Yes, Daddy angry mommy are scawry!", their figure trembling while thinking about their own mothers.

(A/N: Damn they said it! They are dead!💀)

Zenith's eyebrows twitched seeing her daughter complain," You brat! Is this what you should say about your mother?! Also Aisha I will tell your words to your mother", she said scaring both of them who weren't used to the enhanced senses of their mothers. " Sarrry!!!", Norn said as she cutely hid behind my leg, Aisha hid behind me as well," Mommy Zen, please don't tell about it to my Mommy! I don't want to get slaphed in my butt again!!", she said with teary eyes, but Zenith's eyes remained firm.

" Daddy!! Save us!!!", both of them said, while I barely hung myself conscious from their cuteness,' Fuck! I realize the pathetic attitudes of those fathers now ', I thought as I looked at my cute and innocent daughters hiding beside me," Don't worry there is nothing to fear! Why?! Because your Daddy is here!!", I said and hugged them in my arms.

They hugged my face while Zenith's angry face eased much to their relief," Daddy you are the best!!", they praised me escaping the fate of their buttcheeks turning red for umpteenth time while I again, barely remain conscious due to their cuteness. Finally I put them on ground, while Maria approached me and said,"~Mastwa! Headpats!~", and I decided to fulfill her wish by rubbing her head and Ears, her tail wagged happily while Ghislaine's face became red.

I can literally see,' I want an head pat as well! ', etched on her face and she quickly approached me, soon I was drowned between my women who were fighting over the head pat. ' Ah It would seem their evolution made them more bold ', I thought not a bit scared of World War Harem happening in between them, simply my wife Minerva was extremely powerful. 

Ah! Being sandwiched between Hilda and Zenith's breasts! What a heavenly feel~


" Still to think that I would have 8 Ultimate skills", I said as I looked at my status, while my head laid on Minerva's lap as she caressed my head. This is another one of intimate things I happen to like other than my favorite breeding women of course! Anyway this Evolution literally went beyond my expectation, I could still remember when just after my first Minor Evolution I thought I would be lucky to get an Ultimate Skill other than Raphael of course!

But the things way better than I assumed them to be, making me a Multiversal Burster. " Their evolution was good as well- They all got at least a Unique Skill, dozens of Intrinsic and Extra Skills. I boosted their prowess by sharing some of dear's skill as well, thus Dear won't have to worry about them anymore", Minerva said as she caressed my face, her eyes never left my face as stared as if in trance in my eyes, not going to lie that's hot.

" Maria got three Unique Skills, huh?", I muttered recalling the first time I met her and showed her having the taste of being fucked by a man better than her pathetic husband. " Yes, she showed most promise- Evolving into a Divine Beastwoman compared to Ghislaine who only evolved into a Soul Beastwoman- Her prowess is strongest within Dear's women except me of course!", she said.

I nodded while muttering the names of my Ultimate Skills," Wisdom King Raphael: Manas Minerva, Gluttonous Lord Beelzebub, Domination King Abhoth, Elemental Lord Chaos, Sword Lord Arios, Space-Time Lord Astaroth, Magic King Hecate, Purity Lord Metatron and finally Evolution Lord Doomsday, huh?", a feeling of accomplishment surged within me.

" The name of the skills also mean that I am back in time, Multiversal or whatever surpassing Universal", I said as the biggest burden in my heart was resolved, after all last thing I wanted to know that Rimuru is already a fucking Nigh-Omnipotent God. " Dear has also become a immune to time like he was suppose to, also I suspect Tensura's current timeline is one of the previous countless loops done by Manas Chorona", she said.

" Suspect? That is guaranteed truth then", I joked considering her being a Manas of the strongest Wisdom Skill it won't be wrong to say whatever she calculates will be truth in the end. " Because of Manas Chorona's countless timeloops, the disturbance caused by Redo Miko- It is obvious how master escaped out of temporal lane and reincarnated in this world, things are much clearer", she said.

" Master, also I have learned something about Domination King Abhoth", she said, my eyes narrowed seeing her extremely serious expression. " I found out that Master-"


3rd Pov

In an unknown place, which seemed to be floating in space and time, inside it, in a wide room which had a big screen, showed extremely weird mathematical results," What the fuck is this?", a man with white hair, while wearing a blindfold asked the man who was sitting in front of the screen, he said," Temporal Disturbance level-B no A has been detected, from the world we numbered 7388-A, it is an identified world".

" Haha! I was getting bored here for months finally something interesting!", the white haired man said while cracking his knuckles," There is no need to get excited- It would seem we have found another Reincarnator, which world is this?", asked another man who had black hair, blue eyes, and was wearing casual black jacket and blue jeans.

" Lord Shadow, it would seem this is Mushoku Tensei World, a mid-high world", he replied and the man said," Hmm, so a world with God-Level powerhouses huh? This can be a bit tricky for us", the white haired man smiled widely and said," Why do you are so worked up? When me! Gojo Satarou in the flesh is here!!".

The black haired man looked at his fellow reincarnator, the Gojo Satarou and said," Fine, you are one of our strongest members, and this world shouldn't have any Creator or Primordial God level being also you have knowledge of the world, therefore you are allowed to go", Gojo chuckled and saluted," Yes! Boss!! Haha finally! I have been etching for a fight!"

The black haired man sighed, a black shadow covered him and he teleported away, meanwhile the man who was working said," *Sigh* You know he might be not an enemy", but Gojo refused and said," Listen here! In all of Heaven and Earth! I alone and the Honoured One! Thus according to this Honoured One, this new guy is an enemy! Afterall a level A Temporal Disturbance means either that guy is a saint or he is a psychopath".

The man sighed knowing it is useless to talk with the guy in front of him,' Still, If only I could have reincarnated as the Mc of some fantasy world instead of an normal Mc in a stupid romcom anime! Otherwise I wouldn't have to wait here, doing this work while being able to barely learn magic ', he thought, and gave him a machine. 

" Here is the time-space communicator, the co-ordinates are set, remember not to play with it and don't try to end in any of the blacklisted worlds like Campione", he said handing over the communicator to him, Gojo took it and said," Don't worry after I master Magic and other world's abilities, I will become OP and then we don't have to worry about such stupid problems!".

He then pressed the button vanishing. The man meanwhile sighed sitting back on his seat, he smiled a little looking at a photo frame near the table which showed him with a beautiful pink haired girl. " It wasn't that bad in the end... We are just a bit away from marriage", he chuckled a bit perversely imagining about things he would be able to do after marriage.

To be continued...

(Author's Note: Did you loved the chapter? Didn't expect this coming right?! Don't worry I won't disappoint you all!!

Want the next chapter tomorrow? Then vote!! If we get in top 30, a new chapter tomorrow!!

P.S.: Yesterday I uploaded the Demon Lord Status, so make sure to check it!! Anyway Akros peace out!)