
'Why did I say all that?!' Anna could die of embarrassment. Lexus had been grinning at her from ear to ear since she woke up. He looked so happy because of what she said last night and how horny she was.

'Geez. What's wrong with me? Why was I so horny last night?' she noted that she had been feeling hornier since her second trimester. She decided to ask about it anonymously in a Q&A online app and blinked rapidly at the answers they gave.

It could be because she had recently gotten married and they were on their honeymoon so it was affecting her mind and thus her body. 

She could also be feeling obligated or pressured to satisfy her husband since she was a new wife. And it was making her think about sex more and thus horny, especially with a hot stud of a husband she had.

Or, due to her pregnancy and all the changes that come with it.