Chapter 1

This starts off in school, Yato is in the library, studying, that's where he spends most of his day. He's 15 and yet is already promised a scholarship for the best school, his last recorded IQ was 215 -> useless. However the library was particularly noisy on this day, because of course a fight started. It's not like these guys fighting were slouches, one of them named Tyler, he's an 8th degree black belt at 16, with a recorded attack speed of 320 mph. The guy he was fighting is named Tyrant, he's a professional boxer at 16, with a recorded striking force of over 1500 lbs. Both highly skilled martial artists, keeping pace and trading blows from each other, they were practically equals. The fight went on for a couple of minutes, shelves were falling, tables destroyed, then Tyler kicked Tyrant so hard he went flying across the library. He landed on and completely destroyed the table, unfortunately for them the table just happened to be the one Yato was studying on. But they didn't seem to care or notice, so as soon as Tyler got to him they began brawling at each other again. Yato tried to speak to them but they clearly were distracted, so Yato yelled, gaining their attention. They looked at him as if they had a mutual enemy, Yato said calmly "May you guys fight outside so I can study in peace", yet instead of listening or anything of the sorts, they see it as a smart reply, and both begin to take stances ready to fight Yato. Yato obviously notices this, but instead of taking a stance he just looks at them, they thought he was just a weirdo that wanted to get beat up, so they took a step towards him, then it hit. They began trembling, getting dizzy, they felt as if they were going dying. Yato's mere aura made them feel this way, his mere existence made these high level martial artist, feel as if they were ants and he was God, it was shocking in every way. So with this, they went outside but didn't fight each other, they saw this kid, who was like 4'11, scare them to their core. They, together, decided to attempt to beat him up, naturally they themselves knew they couldn't, so they decided to find those who could.