Chapter 3

So the tournament begins in a month, Yato was far too rusty, having spent 2 years fully devoted to his studies and not a single thought about training. But he knew if he wanted to get this scholarship he needed to train the hardest he could, luckily being as smart as he is, he has both money and technology. With his net worth of $350 million, and his intelligence, he has developed a room that increases gravity (note this is multiplied based on the previous number and next, meaning if it's 10x, and it goes to 11x, it's now the number of 10^11), this room he hasn't used since those years ago, the highest level of gravity he had gotten to was 100x. Now he can barely endure 10x, but he pushes through, the room also has a time-immortal dilation (note this means that 1 year in the room, is equal to 1 minute in the real world, and during the time you are immortal), luckily he had paid for the time-immortal dilation at an off brand auction last year. So his training began, for the next 28 days in the real world he spent in the room, his training consisted of the following

250 million push ups

250 million sit ups

250 million pull ups

250 million squats

He could get these in within 0.5 a year in the room, then after completing it he would practice the martial art he was taught for 10 years, then repeat. He'd repeat it over and over again, upping the gravity thousands of times, by the time of the tournament, it had been 28 days, or 40,320 years for Yato, in that time the gravity capped out at 10 million times, however he reached that cap in around 20,000 years, ever since reaching the cap he's been able to do the original workout thousands of times the speed of light, which after completing it, he would spend 1,000 years practicing his martial arts. He had spent 20,000 years, practicing his martial arts, he assumed the tournament would be a breeze through, yet he was wrong.

(Note the training in the room only increased his speed, he hasn't gotten any power gain)