"MY God, you look gorgeous! Are you really a human?" Daisy said, Czelvie's BFF complementing her in an exaggerated way. Her eyes were wide open while covering her mouth with her hand.

She smiles. "You're overreacting. You know I'm this beautiful since birth."

"I know that but, Sis, you really glowed up big time. I mean, you became prettier since the last time I saw you. Tell me, what's your beauty regimen, huh? Teach me so I can have that smooth and glowing skin. Did your rich friends from Paramount University offered you expensive beauty products? Come on, share it with me, please."

They're at the waiting room for her birthday party. She's wearing a red gown which she thinks made her skin more standout. Actually, apart from her hair, nothing else was fixed for her. Aside from the lipstick, her face is make up free.

She didn't went through plastic surgeries but her eyelashes became beautifully thick and long naturally. Her pimples disappeared and her skin became smooth. And those changes happened while her eighteenth birthday was approaching.

All those changes were actually signs, signs of something inevitable. And those changes also reminds her that she can no longer stop her destiny which is making her sad. Because of those changes, she also had to leave the life she enjoyed and face her true self.

"Hey, you got silent there. I think you just don't want to share your secret to me."

They're looking and talking at each other through the mirror. That's why she can see Daisy pouting.

"I'm sorry, Daisy. I really can't tell you how," she was no longer able to control the tears she's been preventing from falling. If her friend knows the real reason of her changes, for sure she'd never wish to experience it.

"Hey, I'm just joking. Am I that ugly for you to cry? Fine, if you want to keep it to yourself, don't share it. Wait, why it seems like you're sad when you're supposed to be happy? This is your debut, girl."

She forced a smile and hugs her friend tight. "I will miss you, Daisy."

Her friend laughs. "You can ask me anytime if you want to meet me. The only problem is your school. They're too strict."

"They just want us to concentrate with our studies," she lied.

Since she started studying in Paramount University, she seldom get the chance to leave the school's premises, especially by herself. And now that she's about to leave indefinitely, she's not sure if she could still go back and meet her friends in the future.

Despite her sadness, she wants to be happy since that day might also be the last day she can enjoy her life.

"WHAT'S the point of wearing this luxurious suits if we're just going to hide here, Xent? We're also invited in the party, you know."

"If you want to have fun with the kids, go ahead."

Khai grinned. "You can't take that back anymore."

After saying that, Khai vanished. All Xent could do was sigh. Of all days, they must be more alert on that day. But maybe Khai really got closer with the humans for the past two years that he wants to spent more time with them. He just let him since he have this feeling that that day might be the last time they can be with the mortals.

He's inside the venue but he is at the second floor and inside a dark room. There's a tinted glass window where he can see the whole venue clearly.

"We have to start. The party should end on time," said Scarlet through his mind. She's the host for the entire event. "You have to go to Czelvie now, Xent. You're her escort, remember?"

He looks at his wrist watch. It's almost four in the afternoon. The party is about to start. He should make sure everyone will be safe, especially Czelvie. He made a small cut on his point finger with his fingernail. Droplets of his blood floats in the air. With his blood, he can sense if someone comes uninvited. He commanded his blood to scatter around the venue.


Czelvie looked at the door. Xent was standing there wearing a gray suit with his pink tie which looks really good on him. Well, she can't think of anything which doesn't. He always looks like someone who's ready to walk the runway anytime.

His hands were on his pocket as he walks towards her. "Ready?"

"Yup," she stood up and smiles, but it disappeared in a flash. "I'm scared, Xent."

Xent walk towards her and hug her tight. "Don't be. I'm here. We'll take care of you. We'll protect you. I will protect you," he pulls away from the hug and took something from the inner pocket of his suit.

He pulled a gold necklace with a red pendant. It looks like a teardrop and it's so beautiful. There were two golden rings protecting it horizontally and diagonally.

Xent wore the necklace on her neck. "Even if I'm not on your side, this will protect you. So don't be afraid, okay? This is your day. You should enjoy and be happy."

She held the necklace's pendant. Just by holding it, she felt like she will be safe as long as it's with her.

She hugs Xent. She felt so loved at the moment that she wasn't able to contain her emotions. "I love you, Xent."

Xent seemed surprised by her confession since she felt his body stiffened before hugging her back. She smiles. She just want to be happy and loving Xent is what makes her the happiest.

"I think your gift is the highlight of this event. Though it would have been better if you gave me a kiss."

She heard Xent cough. But like always, whenever she talks about her feelings, Xent pretends like he didn't hear it.

"Actually, there's someone who can outdone my gift to you."

Her brows furrows. "Someone?"

She pull away from the hug when she heard someone knock and the door opens. Her eyes widen seeing who's there.


Her mom is also wearing a red gown. She's already in her forties but she just looks like her older sister.

Her mom's smile widen as she approaches her. "Did I disturb you, guys?" her mom said looking at Xent.

"Of course not, My Lady," Xent replied.

"Happy birthday, baby," her mom hugs her tight. "I'm sorry for not telling you ahead that I'm coming."

"Does Aunt Farrah knows? Did she allow you?" she can't avoid not to worry. She knows how dangerous it is for her mom to leave the mansion.

After giving birth to her, she heard that her mom's blood became more fragrant to blood thirsty creatures.

"Don't worry, baby, I have your Aunt Farrah's men with me. I can't just let this day pass. And besides, my ears almost bleed hearing your Aunt's sermon just to make this event possible so I deserve to be here."

She smiles. "Thank you for coming, Mom."

"But I guess I came at the wrong time. Right, Xent?" her mom looking back at Xent.

Since the day her mom met her, she's already aware about her feelings for Xent. Woman's instinct she guess. She also knows how Xent ignores it which according to her was just right since she's still young. But she promise to support her when she turns eighteen and she thinks, that's what she's doing right now.

"You just came on time, My Lady," Xent said in a calm voice. "We're just about to start."

But it seems like even with his mom's effort, Xent still ignores her feelings.

She initially disagree dancing because it wasn't really her forte but after Xent agreed to be her last dance, she even asked her friends to teach her. It was just a slow dance but it was already hard for her. She had to apologize to all men she danced with after stepping on their foot. Even Khai was not exempted. So when it was time for her to dance with Xent, she was all nervous.

"Let me apologize in advance," she said the moment Xent held her hand.

"Don't worry, no matter how many times you step on me, I won't get angry. This is your day so you can do whatever you want."

She loves Xent but at the same time, she hates him for being so nice, and for making her feel that she's special. It's making her confuse if he also feels the same or he's just doing that because it's his mission.

EVERYONE is already enjoying their food. But since Xent is not a fan of human food, he chose to stay at the dark and watch everyone from the second floor. He can see Czelvie's from there. He felt a pang of pain in his chest seeing Czelvie's sad eyes at the room. She may be smiling but deep inside, he knows she feel sad.

"She's so beautiful, isn't she?" said Scarlet who suddenly appeared in his hideout. "If wishes do really come true, all I want is her happiness."

"If there's only someone here who's not stoical , I'm sure Czelvie would really be more happy than she is right now," Khai who's now there too.

He cut his finger and in an instant, his blood surrounded Khai.

Khai raised his hands. "Hey, this will hurt, Xent. I didn't say it's you. You're just guilty. Move on, Bro," Khai said patting his shoulder and vanished.

"I guess being broken hearted really makes someone insensitive," Scarlet said before disappearing.

He shakes his head. He's now convinced that letting his team stay together with kids isn't a good thing. He let out a deep sigh. Despite them teasing him, he can't deny what they're telling him. It's been a century yet, he's still stuck with his one sided love. Honestly, he also wants to learn how to move on.

"YOUR necklace is so beautiful. Did your mom gave it to you?" asked Daisy.

She smiled holding her necklace. "This is Xent's gift to me."

Her friends squalled in unison.

"Oh my God! So does that mean, you two are now together?" Trixy asked, one of her friends in Paramount.

Her mind wants to say yes but she doesn't want to lie. It's going to be very embarassing. For sure Xent and other vampires who's looking after her can hear what they're talking about.

"No. It's just his birthday gift."

"Why don't you just admit it? He's even your last dance," said Lara. "He's also your escort. You're well guarded, girl. And that only means one thing. Xent likes you."

She'd be on cloud nine if that's the reason why he's that over protective towards her. Her smile fades as she sigh remembering that that day could be her last to be with friends.

"I'm really going to miss all of you."

"Why do you keep on saying that even now that you're with your classmates? Are you not going to pursue college in Paramount? Is your mom going to bring you abroad?" Daisy getting confused by her words.

She took a deep breath controlling her tears. She thinks it would be better if they think of it that way.

"The truth is, maybe tomorrow we won't be seeing each other again," her voice finally gave in. "I can't-," she got interrupted by a loud successive blasts. She stood up and looks around. "Xent."

She knows that was Xent's blood's doing. Someone's trying to get inside the venue invited!

"This can't be. How did the enemies managed to get inside Paramount?"

Her birthday party's venue is actually located in the middle of Paramount's premises.

"What enemies are you talking about? What's happening?"

Because of the explosions, everyone's confused and scared. Everyone's running towards the exit. It seems like they're the only ones left unmoving.

"Oh my God!" they screamed almost in unison when someone suddenly jumps on their table.

Her eyes widen seeing his red eyes.

"A-a vampire."

She's sure her friends wants to run away but like her, it seems like the vampire's controlling them. They can't move.

The vampire grins while looking at her. "You must be the celebrant. It only means you're Samantha Harrison's daughter. My Lord would be very delighted if we take you as well."

She levitated. It seems like it's still the vampire's doing. But more than herself, she's more worried about her mother.

"Where's my Mom? What did you do to her?"

His grin widen. "Don't worry, I'll take you to where she is."

He then showed them his sharp fangs. He's about to attack her when different part of his body exploded. At the same time, they're no longer in the vampire's control and was able to move. Before she completely fell on the ground, cold hands held her hand and her waist.

"I'm sorry, I was a little late."

It's Xent.

He's no longer wearing contact lenses. His eyes' natural colors is what she's already seeing. The one on the right is red and the one on the left is blue. His fangs' are showing too.

He hold her hand and pull her to run. "Lets go!"

Her friends started running with them too. While Scarlet and Khai jumps on their sides.

"We need to save my mom, Xent."

"I can't feel her. Though it means she's no longer with the vicinity, her watchers may have taken her somewhere safe."

"No. The vampire you killed a while ago said they have my Mom, Xent. Please look for her."

"I'm sorry, princess but your safety is our priority. Don't worry, the vampires around her are among the strongest vampires under Queen Farrah's order."

Her friends screams when the glass windows shattered and more evil vampires surrounded them. But before the vampires move a limb, they shout in so much pain before turning into ashes. But she's sure it's not Khai, Scarlet or Xent's doing.

"The Queen. She has arrived," said Scarlet. Her usually emotionless face showed fear.

There's only one Queen they're talking about and that is her Aunt Farrah, the strongest vampire she have ever known. No doubt, she's the one who killed the vampires who tried to attack them. She hopes her mom is with her


Khai was forced to kneel. So as Scarlet. It seems like they can't handle her Aunt Farrah's presence even if she can't still be seen around at that moment.

On the other hand, Xent is still holding her like he's not affected by her Aunt's bloodlust. Which is a puzzle to her. It's making her curious how strong Xent for him to handle such power.

Her Aunt showed up wearing her usual bloody dress. "I entrusted the party in your presence, Xent." She emitted a strong wind which made the surrounding more chaotic. She can feel her fury. Even so, she didn't feel fear.

"Aunt, where's my Mom?"

Her aunt's expression soften when she looked at her and spread her arms open. "Come here, my dear."

She went to her and was envelop by her aunt's hug.

"I'm sorry, Czelvie. I was late."

Her tears starts pooling on her cheeks. That day was supposed to be the happiest day of her life but it became the opposite of it.

But it's not the right time for her to be weak and feel hopeless. She still needs to save her mom. She pull away from her Aunt's hug and wipe her tears.

"Please help me get stronger, Aunt Farrah. I'm going to save my mother."